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Journal of Suzhou Railway Teachers College(Natural
1999 Issue 4
Study of Bacterial Endotoxin Testin Spectinom ycin Hydrochloride for Injection
shen chunying( upjohn suzhou pharm aceutical co. ltd.; suzhou 215011)
Popularization and Applications of Carlitz- Klam kin Inequality
liu jian( east china jiaotong university; nanchang 330013)
Effects of Convulsantdrugs on 3 H G A B A Bindingw ith G A B A A Receptor in Different Areas of Brain in Mice
zhou xuerui li xiaoyu qi wei xu xianggui zhu jianqin( departm entof biology; huaiyin teachers college; huaiyin 223001)( departm entof biological science and technology; nanjing university; nanjing 210093)( departm ent of biology
( H,) m onotone Mappings and its Characterizations
lei zhongxue( suzhou railw ay teachers college; suzhou 215009)
Three Cases of Misdiagnosis on the Pregnancy of Ovidact
zhang lin( departm entof hospital; suzhou railw ay teachers college; suzhou 215009)
Problem s On Positive Eigenvalue of Decreasing Operators
wang wenxia( teachers training college; shanxi university; taiyuan 030012) liu xilan( yanbei teachers training collge; datong 037000)
gu tai you ji fan ying zhong de pinacol zhong pai
wang yun xiang ; gong qing
A Class Chrom atic Equivalence Graph of n+ 5 Grade Graphof Maxim al Group w ith n+ 1 Vertex
lin ergen( elem entary departm ent east china jiaotong university; nanchang 330013)
Subunits Com bination of G A B A A Receptorin Central Nervous System
xu xianggui( departm ent of biology; suzhou railw ay teachers college; suzhou 215009)
Study on Lactide Polym erization by A Bim etallic Lanthanide Com plex Bridged With A Dialkyloxo Ligand
yuan fugen( departm entof chem istry; suzhou railw ay teachers college; suzhou 215009) zheng guoping shen qi( schoolof chem istry and chem ical engineering; suzhou university; suzhou 215006)
Developm ent of New Digital Display Apparatusfor Hydraulic Pressure Experim ent Machine
fan bin( departm ent of physics; suzhou railw ay teachers college; suzhou 215009)
Adm issibility of Hom ogenous and Non┐hom ogenous Estim ateof Covariance Matrix in Growth Curve Model
you jinhong( east china norm al university; shanghai200062)
ruo gan san jiao xing bu deng shi de zheng ming
zuo xiao guang
Φ-adm issibility of Linear Estim ate of Regression Coefficientin Covariance Com ponent Growth Curve Model
gu juan( departm entof mathem atics; suzhou railw ay teachers college; suzhou 215009) you jinhong( east china norm al university; shanghai200062)
Synthesis of N, N-diethylam ineethyl Benzyl Etherby Phase Transfer Catalysis
song ruifeng( departm entof chem istry; suzhou railw ay teachers college; suzhou 215009) lin qijun( college of chem istry shandong university; jinan 250100)
Constructing Facilities and Passers Recreation Acticity on The Railway Station
shan pengfei lei rulin( departm entof geography; suzhou railw ay teachers college; suzhou 215009)
A Group of Strengthened Car Lem an's Inequalities
gui wenhao( departm ent of mathem atics; northern jiaotong university; beijing 100044)
Application of Com puter in Calculating p H Valuesof Acid-base Solution
liu shouqing wang xisen zhao kaiyuan( departm entof chem istry; suzhou railw ay teachers college; suzhou 215009)
Influence On Kerr Magneto- Optical Effects Derived From Optical Anisotropy
zhang kui( departm ent of physics; suzhou railw ay teachers college; suzhou 215009) liu gongqiang( shanghai jiaotong university; shanghai200030)