New technology for data memory
cao ji-hua; wu jin-rong (depatment of electronic engineering; tianjin university of technology and education; tianjin 300222; china)
Research on method of optical imaging in medicine
wang jin; zhao you-quan (department of electronic engineering; tianjin university of technology and education; tianjin 300222; china; school of precision instrument and opto-electronics engineering; tianjin university; tianjin 300072; china),41
Structural analysis of products based on axiomatic design
song kai-hong ; liu yu-shan ; jiang ping; shi xiao-ju (management school; tianjin university; tianjin 300072; china; department of mechanical engineering; tianjin university of technology and education; tianjin 300222; china; mechanical school; hebei university of technology; tianjin 300130; china; xinweixiang industry limited company; tianjin 300000; china)
Research on dynamic behavior of free-free tubes impacted laterally
zhou li-jun ; sun qi-han ; men chang-feng ; zhang shan-yuan (department of mechanical engineering; b. department of automotive engineering; tianjin university of technology and education; tianjin 300222; china; institute of applied mechanics; taiyuan university of technology; taiyuan 030024; china)
New way to teach oral English: BASE Programme
yang ying ; zhu chun-jing; liu yan (department of foreign languages; tianjin university of technology and education; tianjin 300222; china; faculty of humanities; tianjin university of finance and economics; tianjin 300222; china)