Invented analysis of three-phase circuitI
xu wei~1; ma tao~2(1. college of automation and energy soure eng.; tianjin institute of technoogy; tianjin 300191; china; of mechanical eng.; tianjin university; tianjin 300072; chian)
Photocatalytic oxidation degradation of N,N-Dimethyl aniline
chen hui~1; dong ying~1; zhao liang-zeng~1; guo hong-yu~2; liu xiu-feng~2( of biological & chemical eng.; tianjin institute of technology; tianjin 300191; china; 2.shool of chemical eng.; tianjin university; tianjin 300072; china),33,87
Modern CAD and related technique and method
guo jin-jin~(1; 2); xu yan-shen~1; zhu shi-he~2; dong li-min~1; shi jin-ping~2( of mechanical eng.; tianjin university; tianjin 300070; china; of mechanical eng.; tianjin institute of technology ; tianjin 300191; china),112