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Journal of Tangshan Polytechnic College
2001 Issue 1
Character of Professional Institute Journal Editing
wang li xin [wt5 ; 6bz](academic journal editorial department; shazhou vocational institute of technology; zhangjiagang 215600; china)
Limitations of the Method of Internal Rate of Return and its Improving Thinking
li shan zhai (marine product college; jimei university; xiamen 361021; china)
On Two Types of Functional Variants in Oral Language
liu li jian1; zhao bao qi2 (1.tangshan polytechnic college; tangshan 063000; china; 2.administration department of cadre college for management; china science institute; beijing 101408; china)
On the Three Ideological Trends in Development of Modern Psychology
zhang ming xia (department of social sciences; tangshan polytechnic college; tangshan 063000; china)
The Ways of Being an Official
zhang hui (organizition department; party committee; tangshan polytechnic college; tangshan 063000; china)
An Overall Understanding of “the Essence of Socialism”
li xiao hong1 xiang hui xin 2 (1.department of finance and economics; tangshan polytechnic college; tangshan 063000; china; 2.information department; party committee; tangshan polytechnic college; tangshan 063000; china)
Evaluation on LIANG Qi-chao's “Liberal Autocracy”
hong tai yang (college of humane studies; southwest university of communications; chengdu 610031; china)
Thoughts on Raising the Utilization Ratio of College Library Literature
xia yu ling (tangshan polytechnic college; tangshan 063000; china)
An Introduction to Reason in the Middle Ages
xie hong kun (department of political education; tangshan polytechnic college; tangshan 063000; china)
Love between Human Being & Ghost ——Contrast between “Fly Me to Polaris” and “Ghost”
zeng yao nong peng jie (chinese department; hu nan educational college; changsha 410012; china)
On the Accounting Selection:Contract Theory
lu bo zhang wei hua (1.accounting institute; xi an university of communications; xi an 710061; china; 2.credit department; xi an branch; bank of soliciting business of china; xi an 770061; china)
Innovations:the Only Way of Improving Competitiveness of State Enterprises
wang lu (institute of commerce; zhengzhou university; zhengzhou 450052; china)
Public Psychoanalysis on the Difficulties of Consumable Market's Being Spurred up
fan xue gong (department of finance and economics; tangshan polytechnic college; tangshan 063000; china)
A Survey of Conditions of Chinese Character Writing Being the Distillation of Art
xie jia shun (chinese department; chizhou teachers junior college; chizhou 247100; china)
The Elementary Stage Overpasses the Neodemocratism Historically
yang jing dong si dai (department of political education; tianjin normal university; tianjin 300073; china)
On the Starting Point of Prefecture People's Congress' Exercising Authority to Resolve Important Items under Conditions Prescribed by Law
sun ju gao (the cpc party school of feshan municipal party committee; feshan 528000; china)
An Overview of Feeling and Reason Happily Blended in Tang and Song Lyrics Based on Aesthetic Standards
liu ze jiang (department of social sciences; shazhou vocational institute of technology; zhangjiagang 215600; china)
Analysis of the Logical Relationship between an Attributive Modifier and the Noun It Modifies & the Chinese Translation
lu xian wei jiang lu (foreign languages department; tangshan polytechnic college; tangshan 063000; china)