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Journal of Taiyuan Heavy Machinery Institute
2000 Issue 2
Designing for Drawing Process Dimension and Tolerance in CAPP System
du juan 1; su an jin 2; jia zhi kuang 3 (1.taiyuan heavy mach.inst.; taiyuan 030024; 2.shanxi agrictural mechanization institute; taiyuan 030024; 3.general cargo conpany of qinghuangdao harbour bureau; qinghuangdao066012)
Application of NN to Curve Fitting of Experimental Data
zhou zheng min; zhao li xiong (taiyuan heavy machinery institute; taiyuan 030024)
The Development and Application of A New Type of Plate Printer
zhang xiao ping 1; zhang heng chang 1 wang quan 2; luo yue 2; liu gui cheng 2 zhao jin ying 3; qin xiu ying 3 (1.taiyuan heavy machinery institue; taiyuan 030024 2.taiyuan tron and steel group co. taiyuan 030001 3.handan iron and ste
An Improved Design of the Judge Circuit of the Dynamic Eletronic Track Scale
zhao jina 1; wang wen 2; dai gui wang 3; zheng guang 4; yao jian hua 4 (1.taiyuan heavy machinery institute; taiyuan 030024; 2.beijin techloage and busness university; beijing 100037; 3.mobile machinery compeny of qinghuangdao harboar burean; qinghuang
An Optimum Design of the Compressor Piping System for Flow Pulsation Reduction
liang qing xiang 1; bai shang wang 1; ren bao sheng 2; wu lian an 3 (1.taiyuan heavy mach.inst.; taiyuan 030024; 2.xi an jiao tong university; xi an 710049 3.shanxi agriculture mechanical school; taiyuan 031100)
Optimal Method of 2 Penalty Function
he yan 1; zhai jia chang 2; tao yuan fang 2 (1.qingdao chemical engineering institute; qingdao 266042; 2.taiyuan heavy machinery institute; taiyuan 030024)
An Analysis of the Design of a Type Approval Test Platform for Hydraulic Pumps
jia yue hu 1; song fu rong 1; zhao hong ying 2; liu chun xiao 3 (1.taiyuan heavy machinery institute.; taiyuan 030024; 2.shanxi pingyang machine building plant.; homa 043002; 3.general cargo company of qinhuangolao harbour bureau; qinhuangdao066012)
Control and Management of Casting Ingredient-mixing Process by IMB-PC
wang jie; jia yi xia (taiyuan heavy mach.inst.; taiyuan 030024)
A Computer Aided Analysis of Planet Gear Transmission
zhang fu sheng; man xi liang (1.taiyuan heavy machinery institute; taiyuan 030024 2.shangdong bulldozer general works; jining 272123)
The Method and Model of the Middle and Small Synthetic MIS Developing
xu xiao min 1; li jian long 2 (1.taiyuan heavy mach. inst.; taiyuan 030024; 2.taiyuan machinery import and export co.; taiyuan 030024)
Measurement of the Grain Size of Ferramagnetic Material by Barkhausen Effect
li zhi tan; wang jing yun (taiyuan heavy machinery institute; taiyuan 030024)
The Optimal Design of Cylinder Backward Push Lever Lifting Mechanism
liu min jie; liu xiao bin(qingdao institute of architectural engineering; qingdao 266033)
A No-step Speed Regulating Gear with Constant Width Cam
tao guo qing 1; hao jian hua 2 (1.taiyuan heavy machinery institute; taiyuan 030024; 2.taiyuan university of science and technology; taiyuan 030024)
The Test and Research of the Force and Power Parameters of Φ50 Three roll Combined Piercing and Rolling Mill
shen bao cheng; tong yu quan (taiyuan heavy mach.inst.; taiyuan 030024)
The Motion Analysis of Material in Tumbling Mill and Its Power Calculation
wang shou xin 1; tao feng qiang 2 (1.taiyuan heavy mach.inst.; taiyuan 030024; 2.shenyang mining machi nery (group) ltd.cop; shenyang 110000)
Multiconditional Fuzzy Reasoning Algorithms Based on Truth Value Restriction
zhang ji fu; liu jing (taiyuan heavy machinery institute computer department; taiyuan 030024)
Technical Analysis and Discussion about Hot Plate Leveler of Large Levelling Thickness Range
zhao hui zhi 1; bai tian ming 1; liu gui cheng; zhao hong sheng 2 ; zhao chong 2 (1.taiyuan iron and steel group co. taiyuan 030001; 2.taiyuan heavy machinery group. taiyuan 030024)