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Journal of Sichuan Teachers College (Philosophy &
2010 Issue 4
A Corpus-based Study on the Operating Norms Governing Contemporary Prose Translation
ZHANG Ji-guang;ZHANG Weng-hui
On the Study of the Grand Tour
FU You-qiang
The Defence of Wanghai as a Consumer
LI Sheng-li1;QIAN Lian-lian2
Painting and Children's Development of Visual Experience
ZHAO Yue-qing
Survey of the Compilation Revision for Three Ancient Lost Books
YANG Zheng-ye1;WEI Xian-jun2;FENG Shu-ran3
On the Pursuit of Harmony of Modern Administrative Law
WANG Yang-wen
On the Birth-place of Zhuang xu And His Historical Events
LONG Xian-zhao
dang nei min zhu yu zheng zhi fa zhan xue shu yan tao hui zong shu
wu xiao yan ; luo da meng ;
The Humanity Feeling of Du Mu's Poetry
DU Hong-chun;CHEN Wei
On the Construction of Sichuan Higher Education Quality Assurance System
CHEN Ning;LI Hua-shu;XU Yuan-huo;DIAO Yong-feng