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Journal of the University of Petroleum, China, Social Science Edition
2015 Issue 6
Dynamic Analysis of Economic Growth,Energy Consumption and Carbon Emissions in China
SONG Jiekun;ZHANG Kaixin;CAO Zijian;School of Economics and Management;China University of Petroleum;
Designation and Application of Capital Safety & Risk Evaluation System for Gas Station
LU Xue;Financial Department;China University of Petroleum;
Definition of Security Industry and Its Statistical Classification
YANG Liu;FU Lun;Institute of Finance and Trade Economics;Sichuan Academy of Social Sciences;
On the Construction and Implementation of Educational Cost Management System for Colleges and Universities
HU Bing;Financial Department;China University of Petroleum;
The Synergy Effect and Realization of the "Blue and Yellow" Areas Construction
LI Hui;LUAN Junyu;School of Economics and Management;China University of Petroleum;
Constructing the Modern Public Culture Service System of the Resources Tended to Grass-roots: A Case of Dongying City in Shandong Province
DONG Wenbing;LI Shoufeng;Teaching and Research Department of Party History and Party Construction;the Party School of the CPC Dongying Municipal Committee;
On Hu Jintao’s Ecological Environment Thought
LIU Haixia;School of Marxism Studies;Lanzhou University of Technology;
Hegel and Fukuyama: From the Struggle for Recognition to the End of History
WU Jiang;School of Social Sciences;Tsinghua University;
Probe into the Copyright Income Division of Couples in Divorce of China
LIU Ning;School of Law;Fuzhou University;
Desuetude Doctrine of Criminal Legislation
HU Sha;School of Law;Renmin University of China;
Exclusion and Compromise to the Customs by the Law in Civil Judgments of Da Li Yuan During the Early Republic of China
DUAN Xiaoyan;School of Law;Fujian Jiangxia University;School of Law;Jilin University;
Discussing the Historical Contributions of the Military and Political Journal of the Eighth Route Army to Strengthening the Anti-Japanese National United Front
YU Yanyan;School of Marxism;Shandong University of Finance and Economics;School of Marxism;Shandong Normal University;
Original Marx and Contemporary Marx: Value,Position and Disabusing
HENG Xiaoqing;Ideological and Political Theory Course Teaching and Research Department;Changzhou University;
The Textural Research on Zhang Qianyi’s Life and Writings
WEI Xuebao;YI Qiang;College of Arts;China University of Petroleum;
On Discourse Features of Lin’s Publication Proses
MAN Jian;ZHU Yan;School of Literature and Media;Suzhou University;
On the Translation and Communication Model of Chinese Literature:Taking Howard Goldblatt’s Translation of Wolf Totem for Example
LI Yan;School of Applied English Studies;Shandong University of Finance and Economics;
Studying the Universities’ Traditional Sinology Education Under the Concept of the General Education
MA Lili;College of Arts;China University of Petroleum;
Research on Socialist Core Values Education in University on the Family Culture Basis
LIN Guilan;Propaganda Department;Fuzhou University;
Reflections on the Innovation Management of Scientific and Technological Achievements Transformation of the Key Disciplines in Colleges and Universities
WANG Jiansheng;ZHANG Qiang;Discipline Construction Department;China University of Petroleum;
The Democratic Participation of College Students in the College Affairs Administration
CUI Faguang;School of Marxism;Shandong University;
gao yue