Refractive Indexes Changed in Asymmetrical Quantum Well
zheng yun-bao1; wang rui-zhen2; chen bin2( of electronic and information; guangdong polytechnic normal university; guangdong; guangzhou 510665; china; of physics and electronic engineering; guangzhou university; guangzhou 510006; china)
Hamiltonian Cycle in Planar Graph and 4-colouring of the Dual
chou wan-xi1; huo yu-hong1; li xiao-yi2( of civil engineering and architecture; anhui university of science and technology; huainan 232001; china; of mathematics and systems science; shenyang normal university; shenyang 110034; china.)
A Kind of Comprehension About Dual Simplex Algorithm
chen yan1; chen xia2( of science; shenyang university of technology; shenyang 110178; china; of electronics information engineering; shenyang institute of aeronautical engineering; shenyang 110036; china)
Study on Eco-Environmental Quality Evaluation of Shenyang City
li bo1; song ya-nan1; yang bing-bing2; wang yuan-yuan3( of urban and environmental sciences; liaoning normal university; dalian 116029; china; of geography and tourism; xinjiang normal university; urumchi 830054; china; of resources and environmental science; hebei normal university; shijiazhuang 050016; china)