The preparation of the clean reagent in drinking water
zhao jin_xing 1; xu xin 1; zhao li_ning 2; liu cheng_gong 3 (1.chemistry and life science college; shenyang normal university; shenyang 110034; china; 2.shenyang red cross party hospital 110013; china; 3.liaoning university higher vocational technoeo
Popularization of Konigs' theorem
jiang yu_ming 1; he bing_xin 1; guo zong_zhi 2 (1.department of physics; shenyang normal university; shenyang 110034; china; 2.shenyang canal scenery arargment bureau; shenyang 110043; china)
zhao gui_zhen; sun qiu_ju; su gui_tian (chimistry and life sciencel college shenyang normal university; 110034; china)