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Journal of Shaanxi Water Power
2014 Issue 5
Development of Power System Planning and Reliability Analysis Database Platform Based on Database
CHEN Mingfan;SHI Jia;NING Guangtao;GAO Yujie;BIE Zhaohong;Hainan Power Grid Corporation;State Key Laboratory of Electrical Insulation and Power Equipment;Xi’an Jiaotong University;
An Overview of Stand-Alone Micro-Sources Planning
HUANG Shuai;LONG Yan;FENG Ping;YI Bin;WANG Honglin;Department of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering;Chongqing Logistical Engineering University;
A Method of Static Security Analysis and Correction Based on BPA Data
SU Weibo;FENG Yanwei;YANG Yude;Qinzhou Supply Bureau;Guangxi Power Grid Corporation;College of Electrical Engineering;Guangxi University;
Design and Implementation of Communication Interface for Fault Location and Isolation Device for of Location Device for the 10 kV Railway Auto-Blocked and Run-through Line
SHI Chaomei;WANG Lin;LI Qiang;WANG Yongke;Xi’an Exploration Research Institute Limited Company;China Railway Second Bureau Group Corporation;Power Supply Department;Xi’an Railway Bureau;
Research on Reducing Electromagnetic Interference of Communication Power Supply Based on the Parallel Spread-Spectrum Technology
LIU Ying;XIE Chi;School of Energy Science and Engineering;University of Electronic Science and Technology;Jincheng College;Sichuan University;
Research on GIS in 220 kV Distribution Equipment Layout Plan
JIANG Bing;Inner Mongolia Power Survey and Design Institute Co.;Ltd.;
Research on the Key Technology of 380 V ATS Automatic Power Supply Switch Control System and Its Application in Substation
WANG Jianyong;WANG Zhihua;HUANG Xing;GUO Mingxu;WANG Yuhui;Zhuhai Power Supply Bureau;Guangdong Power Grid Corporatio;Zhuhai Power Supply Bureau;Guangdong Power Grid Corporation;Shenzhen Taiang Energy Technology Co.;Ltd.;Hubei Electric Power Survey and Design Institute;
Research and Development of the Fault Location and Isolation Device for the10 kV Railway Auto-Blocked and Run-through Line
WANG Lin;LI Qiang;WANG Yongke;SHI Chaomei;Power Supply Department of Xi’an Railway Bureau;Ankang Power Supply Segment of Xi’an Railway Bureau;China Railway Second Bureau Group Corporation;Xi’an Exploration Research Institute Limited Company;
6 kV Cascade STATCOM Controller Design Based on FPGA
TANG Yanbo;ZHANG Jing;LI Wenfeng;SGCC Shandong Qingdao Power Supply Company;Sepco1 Electric Power Construction Corporation;China Electric Power Research Institute;
Construction of Intelligent Map Drawing System for Extreme Weather Zones for Power Grids
HUANG Junjie;RUAN Ling;MA Jianhui;MA Lili;Electric Power Research Institute;Hubei Electric Power Company;Wuhan Kangpu Evergreen Software Technology Co.;Ltd.;
Simulation and Study of Impacts of Distributed Generation on Distribution Network Voltage Sag
WANG Qiang;XIA Chengjun;TANG Zhiwen;China Mobile Group Guangdong Co.;Ltd.;Electric Power College;South China University of Technology;Heyuan Branch of China Mobile Group Guangdong Co.;Ltd.;
Discussions on Technical Measures Taken for Windproof Strengthening Low-Voltage Overhead Lines in Coastal Areas
CHEN Yongqiu;NONG Shaoan;YANG Xi;MA Chengzhi;XU Ping;Jiangmen Power Supply Bureau;Guangdong Power Grid;Jiangmen Electric Power Design Institute Limited Company;
Simulation Model for PV Arrays Based on S-Function Builder
DING Kun;ZHANG Jingwei;ZHAI Quanxin;WANG Xiang;XU Junwei;College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering;Hohai University;Changzhou Key Laboratory of Photovoltaic System Integration & Production Equipment Technology;
Study on Li-Ion Battery Management System of Energy Storage
XU Shouping;HOU Chaoyong;HU Juan;WANG Huanling;YANG Shuili;China Electric Power Research Institute;
Coordinated Charging Strategy for Electric Vehicles Considering Time-of-Use Price and Peak-Valley Difference Dynamic Constraints
ZHANG Jing;TANG Yi;CHEN Cheng;XIANG Li;State Grid Ningxia Electric Power Company;School of Electrical Engineering;Southeast University;
Study on Static Voltage Stability of Hydraulic Wind Power Integrated with Power Grid
LU Pengming;WEN Buying;College of Electrical Engineering and Automation;Fuzhou University;
Siting and Sizing of Wind Turbine Generators in the Distribution Network with Multi-Scenario Random Wind Velocity
PAN Mingwei;DU Songhuai;SU Juan;School of Information and Electrical Engineering;China Agriculture University;
Studies on Ultra-Short Term Wind Speed Forecast Based on NWP of Multi-Location
REN Liang;ZHAO Xingyong;Department of Electric Engineering;Shanxi University;
Mechanical Analysis of Underground Tunnel Timbering Structure
LU Ning;QIU Min;TAO Lei;Hydrochina Xibei Engineering Corporation of CHECC;Institute of Water Resources and Hydro-Electric Engineering;Xi’an University of Technology;