Post-evaluation of the Design of a Wind Farm in Inner Mongolia
peng huai-wu1; feng chang-qing1; liu fang-rui2 (1.inner mongolia power exploration & design institute; huhhot 010020; inner mongolia autonomous region; china; of electrical & electronic engineering; huazhong university of science and technology; wuhan 430074; hubei province; china)
The Mailbox-like Data Sampling Transmitting Mechanism in Digital Protection
cao tuan-jie1; 2; dai chang-zhen3; wei fen-qing3; xie li1 (1.nari technology development co.; ltd; nanjing 210003; jiangsu province; china; 2.nanjing sino-german protection &control systems ltd; nanjing 210003; jiangsu province; china; 3.state grid electric power research institute; nanjing 210003; jiangsu province; china),25
Study on AC-Excited Generator Stator Flux Orientation Vector Control
zhang peng-ju1; chen qian2; wang jian-ming3 (1.gansu administration bureau of water resources of shule river basin; yumen 735211; gansu province; china; of water resources and hydro-electric engineering; xi an university of technology; xi an 710048; shaanxi province; china; 3.hanzhong survey and design institute of water conservancy; hanzhong 723000; shaanxi province; china),57
Research on Single-stage Photovoltaic Inverters and MPPT Method
zhang wei-kang1; 2; chu jun-hao2; zhang wen-xi3 (1.department of automation; shanghai jiao tong university; shanghai 200083; china; 2.shanghai institute of technical physics; of cas; shanghai 200083; china; 3.illinois institute of technology; chicago il 60616-3793; usa)