The large-size hydraulic works and the ecological balance
ran du kui 1; li dong 2 (1.hydropower development corporation of the upper yellow river; management division qinghai xining 810008; china; 2. zhong an surveillance corporation of shaanxi; shaanxi xian 710054; china )
Application of geo-mechanics in the discharge tunnel project of hydropower station
yu miao 1; 2 ; ye lin 3 (1. hydropower development corporation of the upper yellow river; construction division; qinghai gongboxia 811902; china; 2. tianjin university; tianjin 300072; china; 3. institute of water resources; xi an university of tech
Application and development of VB in observed data processing
ma yuan hua 1; 2 (1. hydropower development corporation of the upper yellow river; power generating division; qinghai lijiaxia 811900; china; 2. tianjin university; tianjin 300072; china)
Outlines on the optimal design of Lijiaxia Hydropower Station
jiang zhi quan 1; bai jun guang 2; chen yong fu 2 (1. upper yellow river water power development ltd; qinghai gongboxia; 811902; 2 .northwest survey and design institute; national electricity company; shaanxi xi an; 710065)