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Journal of Shandong University of Science and Tech
1999 Issue 3
Prediction Model and Its Application of Coal Mining and Tunneling System
meng xiang rui (huainan insititute of technology)
Study on Mode Analysis and Experiment of Safe Operation for 2K60 Series of Mine Fans
zhang yong jian; chen qing guang (dept of mech. & electr. eng.; simt)
A Research on the Method of Establishing Knowledge Base by Page Storage
zhang li zhu; han zhong dong (1.dept. of math.; taian teachers college; 2.coal gedogy bureau of taian)
On Incidence Coloring Number of Two Classes Cartesian Product of Graphs
cheng xue gang; wang shu dong (dept. of. appl. math & software eng.; simt)
Main Foundation Problems and Solutions in Engineering Geology
zhu chong zhi (boshan campus; zibo college)
Optimal Selection of Mining Technology with Fuzzy Analytic Hierarcky Process
sun hui min 1; xie wan xing 2 (1.taiyuan university of technology; 2.shanxi coal bureau of mines)
Analysis and Evaluation of the Surface Settlement and Builing's Stability above Old Workings
zhang wen quan 1; lu yu hua 1; gong hong yue 2; dai yu mei 3; wang zhi wei 4; fang xu lin 4 (1.shandong institute of mining and technology; 2.yantai hongjian supervisory co.ltd. 3.yanzhou mining group workers university; 4.laiwu bureau of power i
Study on the Use of "Array" in AutoLISP Language
zhou zong ping (network center of simt)
Multithread Mechanism of NetWare and Its Application
meng xiao jing (dept. of appl. math. and software eng.; simt.)
Coupling Model of Unstable Seepage Field and Damaging Field of Fractured Rock Mass
zhu zhen de; sun jun (tongji university)
Pseudo color Enhancement for the Hospital Cell's Images and Cartesian Product Graphs
zhang xiu juan 1; sun zhong lin 1; ma wan liang 2 (1.dept. of appl. math & software eng.; 2.the city of shouguang construction committee)
An Stratigraphic Sequence Analysis of Xianzhuang Cambrian Period in Fengfeng Mining Area
zhang dong 1; yu ji feng 1; han zuo zhen 1; song be nian 2 (1.dept. of geos.simt; 2.173 geological group; hebei)
Pattern Ideal Recognition Method for Classification of Surrounding Rocks
wang yun 1; lu zong hua 2; wang guang ping 1; li xu 1 (1.liangzhuang colliery; xinwen mining co.ltd; 2.dept.of minging; simt)
Study on Additives for Saving Burning Oil and Reducing Pollution
xue yan hui; liu xiao ming; liu de jun (dept. of geescience; simt)
Study on Decision Support System of Roadway Support Design and Construction
li xu 1; lu zong hua 2; wang yun 1; wang xin hua 2; wang guang ping 1; li xing dong 2 (1.liangzhang colliery; xinwen mining group co.ltd.; 2.dept.of mining eng.; simt)
The Vertex Linear Arboricity of Complete Multiple Graphs and Cartesian Product Graphs
fang yong 1; wu jian liang 2 (1.college of mathematics; shandong university; 2.jinan campus; simt)
Ergonomics and Friendly User's Interface
feng xi wen (dept. of min. eng.; simt)
The Decision Support System Integrating the Production with Safety and Cost of the Fully-Mechanized Coalface
wang lian guo 1; sun qiu zhi 2 (1.inst.of syst.engineering; simt 1; 2.computer centre; shandong water conservancy college)
The Model of a Class Risk Investment Decision
li shu shan; li yu xin (1.dept. of appl. math. and software eng.; simt; 2.shandong yucheng heat and powet plant)
Study on IGBT Soft-starting and Energy-saving Controller
lin zeng jin; qi xue guang; zhao yong lin (dept.of electrical engineering; simt)
Study on Adsorbent Made from Montmorillonite for Removeing Muddy Matters in the Low-degree Wine
yang jing 1; liu xin yue 1; xue yan hui 1; wu jin hua 2; zhao jian gen 2 (1.dept. of geoscience; simt 2.r&d center; taian winery)
Method of the Image Indexing and Retrieval Based on the Color Feature
xu jian guo 1; ma wan liang 2; liang yong quan 1; fang yu feng 3 (1.dept. of applied math. and software eng.; simt; 2.shou guang construct commitee; 3.taian stock exchange)
The Structural Characteristics and It's Control to the Hydrogeological Conditions in Yangcun Coal Mine
wei jiu chuan 1; li zeng xue 1; liu cheng lin 2; wang yong jun 2 (1.dept.of geos.; simt; 2.yangcun coal mine)
The Navigation Technology of Mobil Robot
li yi bin; li cai hong; liu ming; zhou feng yu; su xue cheng)(res. center of robot; simt)
An Analytic Verification on the Vertical Relations Between Gearing Line and Straight Generating Lines of Involute Helicoid in Gear Shaving
zhan dong an 1; yang jun ru 2; liu hua 2 (1.tianjin university; 2.dept.of mechanical and electronic eng.; simt)
Design of Knowledge Processing Procedure in the Instrcetion Expert System
ning wei; zhu xi jun (dept. of math.; taian teachers college)
Classification and Analysis of the Surrounding Rocks of In-seam Roadways in Zhaizhen Colliery
qin wen lu; cao shu liang (zhaizhen colliery; xinwen mining group co.ltd)
Knowledge Representation and Acquisition of Faults Diagnoses Expert System for Coal Wining Machines
zhu qi jian 1; pang jie wen 2; sun xiao wei 3 (1.dept. of mech. and elec.; simt; 2.industrial division; simt; 3.jining bureau of township enterprises)
Internal Force Analysis of Medium-thickness Plate in Pile-raft foundations
zhang li (dept. of civil eng.; simt)
Analysis of Stability of Thick-walled Stainless-Steel Tubular Column when Two Side of Tube is Plasticized
wang lai; song xiu jiang; sun yao dong (dept. of civil eng.; simt)
Numerical Analysis of Anisotropic Effect of Roadway Bolts
xu en hu 1; li gui min 2; ji chang fu 3 (1.shandong instritute of mining and technology; 2.liao cheng teachers training institute; 3.construction stone carving corporation of china)
Artificial Caving Technigue for Limestone Roof Above the Confined Water
sang hong xing; wang chuan ming; hu fong yi (taoyang colliery; feicheng mining group co. ltd.)
Quantitative Evaluating Method of the Applicability of the Sub-level Caving Mining
zhang kai zhi; jiang fu-xing (research centre of strata control; simt)
Analysis of the Wear Causes of Mine Conveyor Belt and Its Countermeasures
xu zhen hua 1; chen xin hua 2 (1.the seven-sive coal mine; shandong prouince; 2.dept.of mechanical-electronic engineering; simt.)