The Detection of Damage in Concrete Structures
lv xiao 1; wang feng-chao 2; li zhen-bao1(1.college of civil engineering and architecture; beijing university of technology; beijing 100022; china; 2.department of civil engineering; sanming university; sanming 365004; china)
An Improved DSR Model
wang zheng-huan1; 2(1.economic management department of fujian radio & tv university; fuzhou 350003; china 2.college of economics and business administration of fujian agriculture & forestry university; fuzhou 350002; china)
Improvements on Paraffin Sectioning Technique for Jasminum sambac Leaf
deng chuan-yuan1; guo su-zhi2; 3; liu wei-jun1; pan dong-ming4; lai zhong-xiong4(1.college of landscape architecture; fujian agriculture and forestry university; fuzhou 350002; china; 2.college of life science; fujian agriculture and forestry university; fuzhou 350002; china; 3.electronic microscope center; fujian agriculture and forestry university; fuzhou 350002; china; 4.college of horticulture; fujian agriculture and forestry university; fuzhou 350002; china)
Parameter Estimation of Uni-vector Sensor for Wideband Sources
zhang rui-ge1; chen shan-ji2(1.department of physics and electromechanical engineering; sanming university; sanming 365004; china; 2.department of electronic; information science and technology of qinghai university for nationalities; xining 810007; china; )
Medical Robot for Gastro Intestine:A Review
cai shao-chuan1; yan guo-zheng2; wang kun-dong2(1.department of physics and electromechanical engineering; sanming university; sanming 365004; china; 2.department of instrument engineering; shanghai jiaotong university; shanghai 200240; china)
The Rank of Sequence of Fibonacci Number {F_n~K}_(k=1)~∞ Matrix
zhu qing-xi1; 2; chen feng-ming3; chen xi3(1.school of mathematics and computer science; fujiang normal university; fuzhou 35007; china; 2.department of common base of fujian college of water conservancy and electric power; yong an 366000; china; 3.department of base of fujian commercial college; fuzhou 350012; china; )
Computerized Toll Management System Based on Client/Server
xue ming-liang1; wu qiang2; chen hua-sheng3(1.department of mathematics and computer science; sanming university; sanming 365004; china; 2.china unicom sanming branch; sanming 365000; china; 3.sanming julong network engineering; co.ltd.; sanming 365000; china)
Review on the Extraction of Flavonoids from Fern
li zeng-fu1; 2; huang hui1; zhang hang-ying2; zhang jun-cheng2(1.department of chemistry and biology engineering; sanming university; sanming 365004; china; 2.institute of applied biotechnology; sanming university; sanming 365004; china)