Geochemistry of REE in Different Ranks of Yunnan,Guizhou and Chongqing Coal
dong guo-wen1; xu peng2; yao duo-xi3; wang xin4(1.department of chemical and biological engineering; sanming university; sanming 365004; china; 2.college of chemistry and chemical engineering; xiamen university; xiamen 361005; china; 3.anhui university of science and technology; huainan 232001; china; 4.huaibei coal industry normal college; huaibei 235000; china)
A Method of Reducing Spectrum Leakage in FFT Test
lin jun-wu1; lin jin-yang2(1.department of physics and electromechanical engineering; sanming university; sanming 365004; china; 2.department of electric information and electrical engineering; fujian university of technology; fuzhou 350014; china)