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Information Command Control System and Simulation
2009 Issue 6
An Adaptive Fading Factor Filter Algorithm Based on "Current" Statistical Model
liu shun-cheng; wu xiao-lu; li zhi-gang; ge chun (qingzhou sergeant school; second artillery corps; qingzhou 262500; china)
Efficiency Analysis of Detecting Cruise Missile in the Early-warning Joint Air-defense System
he qin-rong; zhao quan-xi (missile institute of air force engineering university; sanyuan 713800; china)
Simulation of Shortwave Channel Model and Research on Improved Algorithm
zhang chuan-hao; cheng jian-qing; chen li-feng (jiangsu automation research institute of csic; lianyungang 222006; china)
Efficiency Analysis of Submarine to Evade Ship Formation Search
zhang dong; ding yi-feng; song yu-nong (navy submarine academy; qingdao 266071; china)
Modeling Method to Firing Time for Anti-aircraft Missile Weapon System
li fei1; shuai peng2; dong wen-hong1; zheng chang1 (1.naval aeronautical and astronautically university; yantai 264001; china; 2.naval armament department; beijing 100010; china)
Firepower Distribution of Active Obstruct-firing to the Shore by Shipboard Gun
guan qing-yun; wang de-hu (dalian naval academy; dalian 116018; china)
Application Framework Used in Embedded System
yang guang ( jiangsu automation research institute of csic; lianyungang 222006; china )
Application of Hierarchy-Entropy Combination Assigning Method in Radar Emitter Recognition
zhou lin-yi1; liu zhi-cheng2; he jia-zhou2 (1.xidian university; xi an 710126; 2.jiangsu automation research institute; lianyungang 222006; china)
Application of Social Network Analysis Concepts in Military C~4ISR Architectures
chen chun; li lu-ji; liu xing (naval college of command; nanjing 210016; china)
Intelligentize Level Analysis of the Ann-es Fault Dagnosis System on the Type of Fire Control Equipment of Naval Gun
wang xiao-tong ; wang de-hu (dalian naval academy; dalian 116018; china)
Research on General Data Record System Based on Database
zheng jian1; chen li-feng2 (1.the people s liberation army 91388; zhanjiang 524001; china; 2.jiangsu automation research institute of csic; lianyungang 222006; china)
Support Vector Machine Air-attack Target Threat Evaluation Based on Modifying Kernel Function
huang xian-jiang; yu si-ming (the 28th research institute of china electronics technology group corporation; nangjing 210007; china)
Numerical Analysis of the Velocity Affected by Initiating Mode on Cluster-type Warhead Fragments
ye xiao-jun; lian lu-jun (nanchang military academy; nanchang 310103; china)
Research on the Technology of Target Fast Tracking Based on Genetic Algorithm
wang cun-wei ; pang lu-lu (artillery academy of p l a; hefei 230031; china)
Infantry Unit Decision Scheme Evaluation in Landing Operation Based on Three-marked Extended Process
yang feng-shou; hu xiao-yun (nanchang military academy; nanchang 330103; china)
Influence and Countermeasure of Meteorology Condition for Shooting Precision of Certain Type of Long-range Rocket Launcher
ni qing-hua1; qu yu-kun1; sun jian-feng2 (1.graduate student department of artillery academy of the pla; hefei 230031; 2. unit 71146 of pla; weifang 261000; china)
A Modeling and Simulation Approach of Complex Repairable System Based on Stateflow
lv xue-zhi1; 2; yu yong-li 1; liu chang-jiang2 (1.shijiazhuang mechanical engineering college; shijiazhuang 050003; 2.artillery command academy; xuanhua 075100; china)
Research on Activity-based Analyzing Method for Operational Requirements of System
li ding; qu ai-hua (naval command college; nanjing 211800; china)
Application of ANP on the Evaluation of Digital Armored Regiment's Equipment Support
wei xian-jun; xue jian; fan xiao-xiao (bengbu tank institute; bengbu 233013; china)
Simulation Analysis on Anti-maneuver Guarantee Capability of Engineer Troops
wang fu-ming1; xie yong-sheng1; 2; kong hong-shan1; man zhen2 (1.the pla information engineering university; zhengzhou 450004; china; 2. unit 66241 of pla; zhangjiakou 075000; china)
A Training & Simulation System of artillery Reconnaissance Regulating Ammunition UAV based on HLA
ma sheng-hui; yang ai-jun; wang peng-hua (artillery academy of pla; hefei 230031; china)
Study on the Mode of Dynamic Netting in Air-defense Missile System
lv wei; gao zhi-yong; li hong-ping; zuo fei (air force military representative office in huabei area; beijing 100086; china)
Research on Land Combat Agent Cooperation Mechanism Model
han yue-min; liu fei-ping; liu li-qiao; guo yong (shijiazhuang army command academy; shijiazhuang 050084; china)
quan qiu hai jun jia qiang he zuo
System Efectiveness Evaluation Model for Army Materal Facility Meta-Synthesis System
yang xiao-duan; li yuan-zuo; yin xiang-min; liu shu-yun (the academy of equipment command & technology; beijing 101416; china)
Research on Target Images Damage Effect Evaluation Model in the C~4I System
zhao ping; feng xin-xi (telecommunications engineering institute of air force engineering university; xi an 710077; china)
Application of Anti-Submarine Networks in Cooperative Anti-submarine Combat of Submarine, Warship and Airplane
wang shen1; 2; shi zhang-song1; zhang pi-xu1 (1. electronic eng. college; naval univ. of engineering; wuhan 430033; 2 unit 91115 of navy; zhoushan 316000 ; china )
Optimization of Anti-tank Missile WTA under Firepower Antagonism
zhang bo; xia jun; zhang fu-yuan (artillery command academy of pla; langfang 065000; china)
Method of Shipborne Electronic Equipment Cable Part Design and Manufacture
xu xiao-ming; zhai qi-jian; gu jin-liang (jiangsu automation research institute of csic; lianyungang 222006; china)
Simulative Research on Responding-antisubmarine of ASW Helicopter Which Using Dipping-sonar
sheng wen-ping ; wang lei ; wang hao; guo wei (naval aeronautical engineering institute; yantai 264001; china)
Study of Signed Digraph Method of Modeling and Simulation for Combat of Weapon System-of-systems
li xing-bing; tan yue-jin; yang ke-wei; huang wei (school of information system and management; national university of defense technology; changsha 410073; china)
Artillery Battlefield Target value Analysis Based on TOPSIS Optimization and GREY Relevancy
he you-lin1; guo kun2 ; huang de-suo2 (1.unit 77296 of pla; chenggong 650500; 2.artillery academy of pla; hefei 230031; china)
Study on the Hybrid Algorithm for a kind of Stochastic Dynamic Programming
huang de-suo; wang ming-he; he you-lin (artillery academy of pla; hefei 230031; china)