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Information Command Control System and Simulation
2009 Issue 3
Research on the Multiple-Firing-Mode of Shipborne-Metal-Strom
zhou jun; wang de-hu; sun dong-yan(dalian naval academy; dalian 116018; china)
Research on Jury-event Command Control Modeling Based on Pre-setting Rule
fan yan-ping; ma ya-long; bai jie(academy of armored forces engineering; beijing 100072; china)
Study of Ship-to-Air Missile Horizontal Launch Envelops Guided by Ship-by-ship
nie xin-dong1; shuai peng2; jiang wen-zhi1(1.naval aeronautical and astronautical university; yantai 264001; 2.naval equipment ministry; beijing 100010; china)
Effects of Stations' Position Errors on the ML Position Estimation in Multisensor System
guan dong-ning1; luo zhi-yong2; he jia-zhou2; gu ying-yan2(1.unit 91655 of pla; beijing 100036; 2.jiangsu automation research institute of csic; lianyungang 222006; china)
Modeling and Simulation of Synthetic Ocean Environment
hou xue-long; xu hai-feng; jiang qin-shan(naval aeronautic and astronautical university; yantai 264001; china)
Quick Method of Assessing Communication Equipment Damaged Grade
hu hai-feng; wang zhi-ming; liu heng-bo(1.airforce engineering university xi an 710077; china; 2.airforce command college; beijing 100097; china)
Anti-radiation UAV and Its Antagonistical Technique
luo hong-ying; liu jin-mang(the missile institute of afeu; sanyuan 713800; china)
New Adaptive Particle Filtering Algorithm
zhang miao1; hu jian-wang1; peng jian-ping2; zhou yun-feng1(1.ordnance engineering college; shijiazhuang 050003; 2.shijiazhuang economics academe; shijiazhuang 050031; china)
Researches of Information-based Equipment Maintenance Resources Supporting in Battlefield
niu tian-lin1; wang jie1; lv wei2(1 missile institute of air force engineering university; sanyuan 713800; 2 air force military representative office in huabei area; beijing 101000; china)
Effect Evaluation of Artillery Scout System in Multi-layer District
song chao-he; wang xue-qin(artillery academy of pla; hefei 230031; china)
Gray Relation Decision Model in Condition of Multiple Index for Evaluation of Fire Power of Tank Cannon
yin jian; feng le-dong; wang zhong-yi(bengbu tank military college; bengbu 233050; china)
Passive Localization of Active Homing Torpedo Based on Time-reversal Processing
cui jie; yuan fu-yu; miao yan(jiangsu automation research institute of csic; lianyungang 222006; china)
Dynamic Load Balancing Algorithm in HLA-based Distributed Simulation System
lixue; jia ming-yong; guorui(1.china airborne missile academy; luoyang 471009; china; 2.china ship research&development academy; beijing 100192; china)
Study on an Algorithm of One Dimension Trajectory Correction Using Damping Ring
tao tao; wang hai-chuan(jiangsu automation research institute of csic; lianyungang 222006; china)
Study on the Effects of Change of Sound Source and Receiver Depth on Reverberation in Shallow Water
da liang-long; liu bei; zhang lin; zang tao(navy submarine academy; qingdao 266071; china)
Research on the Combat Capability Evaluation Method for Missile Combat System
yang juan; luo xiao-ming; min hua-qiao(the academy of equipment command & technology; beijing 101416; china)
The applied analysis of Bistatic Radar in the countermeasure system of Anti-Radiation Weapon
he xiao-zu; liu chang-jin(artillery academy of pla; hefei 230031; china)
Research on Model of Defending Acoustic Homing Torpedo Using Mobile Acoustic Decoy by Submarine
yu chang-rong; miao yan(jiangsu automation research institution of csic; lianyungang 222006; china)
A model for Airport Target Selection Based on Fuzzy Clustering Analysis
lv zheng-guang; zhao wen-jie(aviation university of air force; changchun 130022; china)
Video Mosaic Algorithm Based on Invariant Feature
deng ju1; gan xin-sheng2(1.unit 92941 of pla; huludao 125001; 2.jiangsu automation research institute of csic; lianyungang 222006; china)
Artillery Fire Units Distribution Based on Fuzzy Hungarian Method
yin hong(shenyang artillery academy; shenyang 110162; china)
Application of Fuzzy Grey Correlation Model in Appraisal for Bursting Layer Terminal Ballistic Performance
he hu-cheng; lu jia; luan xiao-yan(center for engineering design and research under the general equipment department; beijing 100028; china)
Design of Interception Process Replay and Simulation System for a Fighter-plane
wu hua-xing; zhang bin(the engineering institute of afeu; xi an 710038; china)
Analysis and Feature Extraction of Amplitude Information in Full Pulse Data
shi zi-xuan; gu hao; zhu shi-long(jiangsu automation research institute of csic; lianyungang 222006; china)
Attacked Decision-making of Submarine Wire-guided Torpedo Based on Real-time Forecast of Torpedo Range
liu yong1; li ben-chang1; zhang jing-kang1(navy submarine academy; qingdao 266071; china)
Technology of VxWorks Graphical Interface Development Based on EGK/EGD
wu xiao-qiang1; xu-wei2(1.the military agent of 723th research institute; yangzhou 225001; 2.jiangsu automation research institute of csci; lianyungang 222006; china)
Application of PDA in Command for Meeting an Emergency
liao gang; chen yu; wang zhen; zhao xin-sheng(artillery academy of pla; hefei 230031; china)
Algorithm Analysis for Trajectory Optimization of Aerocraft
wu wei-yuan1; pan jiang-huai2(1.navy command automatization workstation; beijing 100841; 2.jiangsu automation research institute of csic; lianyungang 222006; china)
The Command Chain Modeling and Optimizing Based on Petri net
li son-ren; zhao lei; ren wei(naval arms command academy; guangzhou 510430; china)
Research on Detection Simulation and Evaluation System of Satellite Based on HLA
wang yu-ju; yue li-jun; zhang ju-feng(naval academy of armament; beijng 102249; china)
Model of Appraising Firepower-might of Tank-gun Based on Back-Propagation Network
wang yong-bin; xu da-jie; hou sheng-gao(bengbu tank institute; bengbu 233013; china)
Design on Simulation System of Air Defense Forces Group Operation Based on HLA
wang wen1; wang yu-sheng1; ge liang-bin2(1.air defense forces command academy; zhengzhou 450052; 2.unit 95025 of pla; wuhan 430000; china)
Two Turns Salvo of Two Wake Homing Torpedoes
wang er-zhao; kong jun(jiangsu automation research institution of csic; lianyungang 222006; china)
Research on Coordinated Operation for Long-range Maneuvering Shore-ship Missile with ship formation
lv gui-li; tan an-sheng(dalian naval academy; dalian 116018; china)