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Journal of Ocean University of Qingdao
2013 Issue 2
Preparation and Flocculation Properties of Quaternized Carboxymethyl Chitosan
JIAO Shu-Fang1;LI Jin1;2;MA Qi-Min1;2
Degradation of Tannins and Phytic Acid in Double-Low Rapeseed Meal by Aspergillus niger in Solid Fermentation and Optimization of Fermenting Condition
WANG Xiao-Dong;MAI Kang-Sen;ZHANG Yan-Jiao;AI Qing-Hui;XU Wei; ZHANG Wen-Bing;HU Hai-Bin
Multi-Proxy Records of Terrestrial and Marine Organic Matter Sources in the Mud Area Southwest off Cheju Island over the Last 100 Years
GE Tian-Tian1;2;LI Da-Wei1;2;ZHAO Zong-Shan1;2;CHEN Wei-Fang3;XING Lei1;2;ZHAO Mei-Xun1;2
Construction and Characterization of a Fosmid Library of Vibrio cholera Serogroup O1
NI Xin1;3;MA Li-Dan2;LEI Zhi-Wen3;LIANG Cheng-Zhu3;WANG Dian-Fu4;LV Xiu-Fang2
Distribution of Particulate Organic Carbon in the Yellow Sea in Spring
ZHAO Yu-Ting;LIANG Sheng-Kang;SHI Xiao-Yong;SHANG Rong-Ning
The Main Factors Affecting the Number of Bacteria in Intertidal Wetland of the Liaohe Estuary
LI Hui;BAI Jie;YIN Ning-Ning;ZHAO Yang-Guo;TIAN Wei-Jun
Design and Synthesis of 1,3-Cyclic Propanyl Phosphate Ester of Ursolic Acid
SUN Wei-Zhi;GUO Hui-Yu;WAN Sheng-Biao;JIANG Tao
Center Frequency Estimation of Broadband ADCP Signal
WANG Sheng-Bo1;JI Guang-Rong1;YANG Guang-Bing2;Lü Lian-Gang2
Recent Progress in Clusterin Research
DUAN Cun-Ming1;2;JIAO Shuang1;LI Yun1
Microwave Radiative Transfer Model Based on AMSR-E Dual-Polarized Brightness Temperature Data
LU Yong-Duo1;2;WANG Jin2;3;CUI Ting-Wei2;ZHENG Rong-Er1;ZHANG Jie2
Study on the Water Pollution and Eutrophication in the Xiaoqing River Estuary
CUI Yan;ZHANG Long-Jun;LUO Xian-Xiang;ZHANG Xue
The Influence of Stratification on Ekman Drift Under Sea Ice
LIU Guo-Xin;ZHAO Jin-Ping
Decoupling Control of a Multivariable System Based on Fuzzy Neural Network
LIU Long-Long;LIU Xue-Feng;ZHOU Xi-Long
Characterization of Chitooligosaccharides and Chintosan Hydrolysates with Thin Layer Chromatography
YANG Guo-Ning1;CHEN Lie-Huan2;3;ZENG Yi-Wei2;LIU Wan-Shun1