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Journal of Ocean University of Qingdao
2010 Issue 11
Influence of the Long-Term Sea Level Variation on Tidal Waves in the Eastern China Sea
YAN Yun-Feng1;ZUO Jun-Cheng2;CHEN Mei-Xiang2
Nondestructive and Quick In-Situ Testing of Unsaturated Sandy Soil Water Content Using Ground Penetrating Radar Reflection Method
GUO Xiu-Jun1;WANG Miao1;ZHANG Gang2;HOU Li 2;SUN Peng2;MENG Qing-Sheng1
Estrogenic Effects of Vitellogenin Induction in Goldfish Caused by Phenolic Compounds
LIU Ping1;LI Zheng-Yan1;2;LI Jiang-Ling1
Constructing a Full-Length cDNA Library of Zostera marina
LIU Li-Min;KONG Fan-Na;MAO Yun-Xiang;YANG Hui
HOGGH:A Heuristic Optimization Algorithm for Geographic Greedy Hole-bypassing Routing Algorithms in WMSN
TANG Rui-Chun1;GUO Shuang-Le1;2;GONG Cun-Qun1;JI Hong-Ying1
The Off-Design Performance of Ammonia-Water Desorption and Absorption Compression
MEI Ning;ZHENG Ting;DING Xiao-Yuan
Analysis and Comparison on Components of Bacteria in Five Types of Shrimp-Feeding Water in Prophase of Feeding
ZHOU Kai 1;LAI Qi-Fang1;LUO Zhang2;WANG Hui 1;YAO Zong-Li 1;XU Yun-Xia2;YING Cheng-Qi 1
The Effect of Chitosan Oligosaccharide Complex with Rare Earth on Cadmium Accumulation in Scophthalmus maximus
LI Hui-Ying;XU Wei;WANG Dong-Feng;SUN Ji-Peng;ZANG Yi
Feature Extraction of Chaetoceros Microscopic Image Based on Skeleton
JI Guang-Rong;QIAO Xiao-Yan;ZHENG Hai-Yong;YUAN Peng
Extraction,Isolation and Physiochemical Character Studies of Water Soluble Polysaccharides from Codium fragile
YU Guang-Li;JI Guo-Li;Feng Yi-Ming;ZHAO Xia;WU Jian-Dong;Yang Bo;Han Zhang-Run
The Electrochemical Detection of BrO_3~-in Water Based on a New Organic-Inorganic Compound Film
MIAO Ai-Jing;ZHANG Hong-Yu;BI Cai-Feng;FAN Yu-Hua
The Vertical Structure and Seasonal Variation of the Tide Current and Residual Current in the North Yellow Sea
BAO Xian-Wen1;SONG Jun1;2;YAO Zhi-Gang1;QIAO Lu-Lu1;BAO Min1;WAN Kai 1
Investment Risk Analysis of Treatment and Reinforcement for Small Reservoir in Mountainous Area
DONG Sheng1;YAO Yan-Jie1;REN Xiang-Jun2
The Particle Tracking Numerical Experiment of Flow Field in the Jiaozhou Bay
CHU Qin-Qin;LI Lei;LI Pei-Liang
Kinetics and Thermodynamics of the CTAB Sorption on Jiaozhou Bay Sediment from Artificial Seawater
CAO Xiao-Yan;HAN Hua-Yu;YANG Gui-Peng
Recovery Conditions of Porphyridium cruentumCells by Dissolved Air Flotation
GAO Li-Li 1;JIANG Huai-Zhen1;LIU Tian-Zhong2
Application of HPLC Pigment Analysis in the Study of Phytoplankton Community Structure
ZHAI Hong-Chang1;2;NING Xiu-Ren2;3;Tang Xue-Xi 1;Zhou Wen-Li 4
Isolation and Identification of Bacteriosis Pathogen from Anguilla anguilla with Edwardsiellasis
WU Bing1;FAN Hai-Ping1;ZENG Zhan-Zhuang1;ZHANG Xin-Yan1;WANG Fan2
Phagocytotic Clearance of Apoptotic Cells
Distributions of DMS and DMSP in the Jiaozhou Bay and the Influencing Factors
JING Wei-Wen1;2;YANG Gui-Peng1;KANG Zhi-Qiang3
Preliminary Research on the Apoptosis of Hela Cell Induced by Yessotoxins
PANG Min1;2;GAO Chun-Lei 1;WU Zhen-Xing3;LV Ning3;WANG Zong-Ling1;TANG Xue-Xi 2;QU Pei 1
The Design and Application of a New Lag-lead Compensator
LIU Long-Long;WANG Mei-Jian;QU Wei-Yu