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Rural Energy
2002 Issue 5
Resource and significance of wood residues used as energy sources
sun jun(nanjing forestry university; nanji ng210037)
hei long jiang sheng nong cun zhu zhai li yong tai yang neng cai nuan de shi jian
jin cheng ; li zuo ; wang chang li
The progress in the operation processes of anaerobic digestion in China
zhou ling 1 ; li wen-zhe 2 (1.talimu university of agricultura l reclamation; alaer843300; 2.northeast agricultural university; harbin150030)
2001 nian shi jie guang fu dian chi chan liang
wang chang gui
bo li gang zhao qi guan
liu hua ; liu xiao xia ; li hong yu ; liu guo xi
ri guang wen shi yu zhao qi chi jie he de you guan ji shu
yue zhong xing
ke zai sheng neng yuan wen xian xin xi
chen xi ming ; jiang chong lin
Optimization of minitype aerogenerator system design
guo hong-che(shenyang university of technology; shenyang110023)
di re neng zai wo guo de ying yong
wang hong wei ; li ya feng ; lin bao ; tu bao feng
Rural renewable energy and sustainable development
zi kun; shi wei -xing (kunming university of science and technology; kunming100037)
Present situation and prospects of China residential energy consumption
guo bao -lei; wang yan -jia(tsing hua university; bei jing 100084)