Study on characteristics of a new apple cultivar-Haohong
xie lirong1; zhang guangdi2; liu tingjun3; xu haisheng1; cui ping3; wang yuhong3; ding jie3(1.yinchuan city horti-forest farm; yinchuan 750021; china; of agricultural; ningxia university; yinchuan 750021; china; 3.the extension and service center for economy forestry of ningxia; yinchuan 750001; china),97,31
The measures to consolidate the achievements of;and conversion project in Ningxia
zhao jingqi1; zhao chunfei3; zhang quanke1; wang zepeng1; yang jian1; dou jiande1; feng xuejun3(1.ningxia academy of forestry planning and design; yinchuan 750004; china; of economic system and management in national development and reform commission; bijing 100035; china; 3.ningxia forest international cooperative center; yinchuan 750001; china)
Supplimentary technology research on promoting high and stable yield of wheat variety Yannong 24
yang guicheng1; wang jialong2; yang guichun3; gu lisong4; sun xiaoxia1(1.agricultural technology promotion and service station of shihu town; donghai county; donghai 222302; china; 2.occupational education center of jiangsu province; donghai 222300; china; 3.agricultural technology promotion and service station of shuangdian town; donghai county; jiangsu province; donghai 222303; china; 4.agricultural technology promotion and service station of baita town; donghai county; jiangsu province; donghai 222345; china),20