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Journal of Nanjing University of Economics
2015 Issue 1
Systemic Evaluation of Chinese Provincial New Urbanization’s Development
Wang ZhouWei;Liu Yan;Shanghai Normal University;Real Estate and Urban Development Research Center;
Intermediate Demand and Employment Growth in Service Industry
Yuan XiaoNeng;Zhou Wei;Institute of Modern Service;Nanjing University of Finance and Economics;School of International Trade and Economy;Nanjing University of Finance and Economics;
An Empirical Analysis on the Influence of Technology Innovation on the Export Sophistication of China’s High Technology Products
Shen Lin;Concord University College;Fujian Normal University;
The Influence Factors of Capital Structure of Commercial Banks in China: Based on the Research of OLS Regression and Quantile Regression
Ding MingMing;Yu Cheng Yong;School of Accounting;Nanjing University of Finance and Economics;
Fractal Analysis of Futures Markets of Agricultural Products in China
Zhang Chuan;Wang HongYong;School of Applied Mathematics;Nanjing University of Finance and Economics;
The Application of Credit Scoring Technology in Commercial Banks——An Empirical Analysis of Availability,Non-performing Loan Ratios and Performance
Cheng Chao;Zhao ChunLing;School of Finance;Nanjing Agricultural University;School of Economy;Nanjing University of Finance and Economics;
Risk Prevention of Mortgage of Rural Contracted Management Land Set Up by Bank
Fang Jing;Wang Yong;China Construction Bank;Jiangsu Branch;Nanjing University of Finance and Economics;
Portfolio Selection Theory,Models and Practice of Occupational Pension: a Literature Review
Zhai YongHui;Hu Yi Lin;School of Business;Henan Normal University;School of Mathematics and Statistics;Central China Normal University;
The Influence Factors of Grain Supply Chain Integration Base on TOE Framework
Hu FeiFan;Wu ZhiHua;Hu XueJun;Economic & Management School of Nanjing Forestry University;Marketing & Logistics Management School of Nanjing Finance & Economic University;Jinshen College of Nanjing Audit University;
Fundraising Efficiency in Social Media Platform Based on the Dual Models of Persuasion
Liu ZhiMing;South China Agricultural University;
An Empirical Study Investigating whether Institutional Investors Conspiracy with Managers or just Battle with each other?——From the Perspective of Property Ownership and Earnings Management
Chen Chen;Chen YanMiao;Du Meng;Business Sschool;Nankai University;Institute of Business Administration;Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics;School of Finance;Dongbei Univeristy of Finance and Economics;
An Empirical Study of Compensation Gap and Organizational Performance in the Company
Li Lin;School of Fiance;Nanjing University of Finance and Economics;
Ownership Concentration,the Behavior of Controlling Shareholders and Corporate Performance——An Empirical Study Based on China’s Shanghai A Shares
Chang LiJuan;Qu Wen;International Business School;Shaanxi Normal University;