On Effect of Specific Messages on Identification Field Bit Randomicity
tan min-sheng~1; zhao zhi-guo~1; wan li-ping~2tang zheng-jun~2; nie su-hua~2(1.the school of computer science and technology; nanhua university; hengyang; hunan 421001; china; 2.the center of network and modern education technique; nanhua university; hengyang; hunan 421001; china)
Improvement of kNN Algorithm in Text Classification
hu rong~(1; 2); luo qin-yun~1(1.department of computer science; hunan institute of technology; hengyang; hunan 421001; china; 2.college of computer and communication; hunan university; changsha; hunan 410082; china)
Security Problem in Mobile Ipv6
peng zhi-chao~(1; 2); liu hai-tao~2(1.computer department; hunan university of humanities and science and technology; loudi; hunan 417000; china; 2.college of information science and technology; central south university; changsha; hunan 410083; china)
Advancement of Plant Alien Species in China
xie hong-yan~(1; 2); zuo jia-fu~2(1.college of sciences; hunan agricultural university; changsha; hunan 410128; china; 2.hunan environment-biological polytechnic; hengyang; hunan 421005; china)