Swarm Robotics:A Survey
xue song-dong~(1; 2) zeng jian-chao~1 ~1(division of system simulation and computer application; taiyuan university of science and technology; taiyuan 030024)~2(college of electrical and information engineering; lanzhou university of technology; lanzhou 730050)
Balance Method for Imbalanced Support Vector Machines
liu wan-li~(1; 2) liu san-yang~1 xue zhen-xia~(1; 3)~1(department of applied mathematics; xidian university; xi an 710071)~2(department of mathematics; luoyang normal college; luoyang 471022) ~3(department of mathematics; henan science and technology university; luoyang 471003)
Plant Leaf Identification Based on Radial Basis Probabilistic Neural Network
du ji-xiang~(1; 2; 3) wang zeng-fu~1 ~1(department of automation; university of science and technology of china; hefei 230026)~2(intelligent computing laboratory; institute of intelligent machines; chinese academy of sciences; hefei 230031)~3(department of computer science and technology; huaqiao university; quanzhou 362021)
A Hybrid Learning Algorithm for Elliptical Basis Function Neural Networks
xing hong-jie~(1; 2; 3) wang yong~(1; 2) hu bao-gang~(1; 2) ~1(national laboratory of pattern recognition; institute of automation; chinese academy of sciences; beijing 100080)~2(graduate school; chinese academy of sciences; beijing 100080)~3(college of mathematics and computer science; hebei university; baoding 071002)