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Journal of Mianyang Teachers College
2008 Issue 2
zheng gao qi shi
Theoretical Analysis and Numerical Computation for Explosive Reaction Rate
chen zhong-fu; ling bin; chen gang(institute of systems engineering; china academy of engineering physics; mianyang; sichuan 621900)
Inverse Problem of the Problem in Solving Linear Simultaneous Equation
xu de-yu(school of mathmatics and information science; mianyang normal university; mianyang; sichuan 621000)
Sub-domain Precise Integral Compact Difference Scheme with High Accuracy for Solving Parabolic Equation
liu gui-li; liu li-bin(department of mathematics and computer science; guangxi university for nationalities; nanning; guangxi 530006)
How to Make P.E. Course-ware with Modern Education Techniques
chen guang-jiu1; zhou qun-ying2(1.school of physical and health education; mianyang normal university; mianyang; sichuan 621000; 2.mianyang art college; mianyang; sichuan 621000)
Improved Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm
wang jian-jun(department of mathematics; neijiang teachers college; neijiang; sichuan 641112)
Determination of the Dissociation Constants of Daidzin by Spectrophotometry
chen jin-rong1; liu jia-qin2; luo ying3; yang kui-hua2(1.zhongjiang experimental middle school; deyang; sichuan; 618100; 2.department of chemistry and chemical engineering; mianyang normal university; mianyang; sichuan 6210003.school of life science and technology; mianyang normal university; mianyang; sichuan 621000)
Considerations for the Teaching of General Environmental Protection in Normal Universities
liu shou-jiang; hu cui-hua; huang you-you(1.college of land and resources; xihua normal university; nanchong; sichuan 637002; 2.college of life science; xihua normal university; nanchong; sichuan 637002)
3D Reconstruction of FTP Based on OpenGL
jia xiao-lin(school of computer science; swust; mianyang; sichuan 621010)
Smooth State Feedback and Dynamic State Feedback of Generalized Hamiltonian Control Systems
yang xin-song1; liu yu-jiao2; long yao(1.department of mathematics; honghe university; mengzi; yunnan 661100; 2.department of mathematics; mianyang normal university; mianyang; sichuan 621000)
Study on the Determination of Pyrogallol by Cyclic Voltammetry and Its Electrochemical behavior
huang bao-mei; du yong-fen; li li; wang cai-hong (department of chemistry and chemical engineering; mianyang normal university; mianyang; sichuan 621000)
A Calculation Method for Generalized Inverse Matrix of Rectangular Matrix
deng yong(department of mathematics and physics; kashgar normal college; kashgar; xinjiang 844006)
Transformation Thought on Conic Teaching
ren quan-hong; hu xiao-ping(department of mathematics and information science; mianyang normal university; mianyang; sichuan 621000)
Researches on the Equal Intervals of the Simple Constant-stress Accelerated Life Test and the Simple Step-stress Accelerated Life Test
zhang li; zhang de-ran(department of mathematics and information; xihua normal university; nanchong; sichuan 637002)
Characteristics of the Human Resources in Cross-culture PE Management
zhou jie1; he ying2 (1.institute of physical education; sichuan university; chengdu; sichuan 610065)2.mianyang normal university; miyang; sichuan 621000)
An Investigation into the Tourist Attractions of Huya in Pingwu County
xie ze-dong; ma zun-ping(department of history and tourism management; mianyang normal university; mianyang; sichuan 621000)
A Comparative Study of Heath Standard of Students' Constitution and Undergraduate PE Qualification Standard
wang guang-ping(department of basic courses; minxi vocational and technical college; longyan; fujian 364021)
Design for the Course Experiment of Geographic Information System Based on MAPGIS
li yi-qiu1; 2; dong ting-xu1; deng xiao-fei2(1.mianyang normal university; mianyang; sichuan 6210002.institute of gis; rs & gps; beijing forestry university; beijing 100083)
Two Qualities of Julia Direction of Quasimeromorphic Mapping in the Plane
jin jin(mathematics department of bijie institute; bijie; guizhou 551700)
The Chemical Potential in Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics
liao bi-tao(department of physics and electronics engineering; mianyang normal university; mianyang; sichuan 621000)
Effects of SA on the Anti-oxidant Enzymes Reactivity of Rice Seedlings Under Drought Stress
dai qi-lin1; wan huai-long1; wang jin1; yang ju-hua1; wang fang1; feng bin2; fang zhi-rong3; guo ya-nan1; su rui-jun1; lin di4(1.key lab of ecological and environmental technology of sichuan province; mianyang normal university; mianyang 6210002.departmengt of biochemistry; xichang college; xichang; sichuan 6150223; 3. dazhu high school; dazhu; sichuan 635100)
Study on the Decomposed Law of Potassium Chlorate Catalysed By the Sulphate in Fourth Period
he zhi-jian1; tang xin2; cheng yuan-bo3(1.department of chemistry and chemical engineering; mianyang normal university; mianyang; sichuan 6210002.mianyang experimantal middle school; mianyang; sichuan 6210003.huangdian middle school; yanting; mianyang; sichuan 622150)
A Preliminary Floristic Study on the Seed Plants of Tangjiahe Nature Reserve
liu li-xia1; ma rui-feng2; ma yong-hong1; sun cheng-ren1*(1.college of life siences; xihua normal university; nanchong; sichuan 6370022.kaibian middle school; zhenyuan; gansu 610047)
Construction of Generic Signal Processing System by NI-PXI1050
tan yong; zhu bing(department of physics and electronics; yangze normal university; chongqing 408003)
Linearized Perturbation Solution for Single Pendulum Nonlinear Dynamic Equation
gong xiang-chao; hu bai-ming (college of science; wuhan university of science and technology; wuhan; hubei 430070)
A Study of the Inner and Outer Environment of Chinese Competitive Basketball Development
zhang hua-jiang; mao zhu; wang zhe(department of physical education; xiangfan university; xiangfan hubei 441053)
Current Situation of the Construction of Chengdu's Non-commercial Sports Fields
yu wan-bin(school of physical and healthy education; mianyang normal university; mianyang sichuan 621000)
On the Developing Trend of China's Competitive Sports
wang nan; cao mao-jun(sichuan college of traditional chinese medicine; mianyang; sichuan 621000)
Research on the Application of OLE
guo xin(department of physics; mianyang normal university; mianyang; sichuan 62100)
Simple Methods to Find the Conditional Extreme of Two Kinds of Multivariable Functions
wang yuan-lun1; liu chang-he2(1.school of mathematics and information sicence; mianyang normal university; mianyang; sichuan 621000; 2.department of basic sicence; beijing institute of civil engineering and architecture; beijing 100044)
Inspiration of Hetian Oasis' Microclimate Change to the Construction of Ecological Environment
liu jin-wei (college of geographic science and tourism; xinjiang normal university; urumqi 830054)
Research on the Spectra Isotope Effect of Carbon monoxide in Ground State
han cai-xia1; liu guo-yue2(1.college of physics and electronic technology; china west normal university; nanchong; sichuan 6370022.institute of theoretical physics; mianyang normal university; mianyang; sichuan 621000)
Present Situation of Gymnastics Teaching in middle schools of Sichuan Under the New Curricular Standard
du jiang-jing(school of physical and healthy education; mianyang normal university; mianyang; sichuan 621000)
Application of Cationic Polymeric Flocculant P(DMC-AM) in the Treatment of Tannery Wastewater
li ming-fang1; luo ya-jun2(1.dazhou vocational technology college; dazhou; sichuan 6350012.department of chemistry and chemical engineering; mianyang normal university; mianyang; sichuan 621000)
Design of Intelligent Syringe Pump Control System Based on uPSD3234 SCM
he ling-li; he chao; yang qing-hua(department of medical image; north sichuan medical college; nanchong; sichuan 637000)
jia tian li jiao shou
The Potential Function Of ~(11)B~(35) Cl and SiC
ling nong(department of physics and electronic engineering; yibin college; yibin; sichuan 644000)