Inspiration of traditional folk tools to modern industry design
dong jie-jing~1; wu rui-zhi~2; wang cheng-zhe~3; li meng~4 (1. school of design; southern yangtze university; wuxi 214064; 2. arts and design department; henan university of science and technology; luoyang 471003; 3. henan polytechnic university; jiaozuo 454000; 4. yongkang daily; yongkang 321300; china)
Public choice of villagers' autonomy
chen zhi~1; li pan-dao~1; xing lin~2(1. school of humanity and social science; university of electronic and science technology; chengdu 610054; 2.standing committee of people s congress of lingshou county; hebei province; lingshou 050500; china)