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Journal of Liaoning Business Vocational College
2015 Issue 3
Father-Son Connection——Study of Jewish Father-Son Relationship by Bernard Malamud’s The Assistant
REN Miao;ZHAO Bo;College of foreign languages;Shenyang Jianzhu University;
Cross-cultural Thinking in the Chinese and Western Literature and Art
LIU Yi-tong;WANG Yong-xiang;Foreign Language College;Tianjin University of Commerce;
Reorganization of Invalid Marriage Legislation Problems and the Solution
JIAO Shu-min;Faculty of Law;Liaoning University;
The Research on Feasibility and Strategies of Training Community Sports Volunteer in Universities
HE Qiu-ju;Dept.of P.E.;Shenyang Institute of Engineering;
Study on Theoretical Issues in City Administrative Enforcement
ZHANG Mei;LI Yu-sen;Editorial Department;Shenyang Institute of Engineering;Department of Patrol Dog;China Criminal Police College;
Innovating the Ways of Social Governance Based on the Ideology of Public Service Underlying the Philosophy of Localization
QIN Guo-ji;School of Arts and Law;Shenyang Institute of Engineering;
Countermeasures Research on Raising Female College Students’ lives Security Awareness
ZHAI Chun;SONG Cheng;Liaoning Provincial Communist Youth League;Shenyang Institute of Engineering;Politics and Law School;Shanxi Normal University;
Problems and Prospects of House-for-Pension Scheme
CHEN De-kun;Commission for Discipline Inspection;Shenyang Institute of Engineering;
Study on Perfecting the Social Endowment Service System in Binzhou
QIN Cong-cong;Teaching and Research Office of Law;Party school of Binzhou;
P2P Model Analysis of Private Economy Financing
LI Jun;ZHANG Yun-shu;Financial School;Anhui University of Finance and Economics;
The Construction of Internal Control System in Universities
ZHAO Li-ying;Finance Section;Shenyang Institute of Engineering;
The Innovation of Marketing Model of the Performance Market
CHENG Shu;College of Arts;Shenyang Conservatory of Music;
A Recent Study of Cross-cultural Pragmatics in China——Based on CNKI Journals from 1997 to 2014
YU Hong;Library;Shenyang Institute of Engineering;
On the Cultivation of College Students’ Cultural Consciousness under the Background of Multi Culture
LIU Ling-ling;LI Yu-cai;Department of Teaching and Research of Ideological and Political Theory Course;Shenyang Sport University;School of New Energy;Shenyang Institute of Engineering;
The Word Media and Its Communication Process from the Perspective of Semiotics
LI Chun-xiao;Marketing and Management Department;Fushun Normal College;
Current Status Analysis of Academic Journal( Natural Science Edition)of Shenyang Institute of Engineering
BAI ling;TONG Jin-kai;WU Xing-wei;Editorial Department;Shenyang Institute of Engineering;
An Analysis on the Narrative Strategies of Kozou No Kamisama
WU Meng;Department of Foreign Languages;Shunde Polytechnic;
The Analysis of Funds Requirement Prediction of Liaoning Higher Education
HUANG Shuai;JIANG Li;Deans’ office;Liaoning Media College;
Exploration on Practice Teaching System of Applied Chemistry Specialty in Energy and Electric Power College
NIU Wei;BI Xiao-guo;LIU Xu-dong;TANG Jian;Faculty of Energy and Power Engineering;Shenyang Institute of Engineering;
Research on College Students’ Adaptative Ability of the Autonomous Learning in the E-learning Environment
LIU Li;Liaoning University of International Business and Economics;
The Research and Practice of Cultivating College Students’ Self-learning Ability in Mechanics Teaching
LIU Xiao-li;GAO Qian;CHEN Yan;School of Phisics Science and Technology;Anshan Normal University;School of Science;Northeast University;Deans’ office;Anshan Normal University;
Action Research on improving the Experimental Innovative Capability by Cooperative Learning Teaching Method
LI Li-xia;TIAN Wei-hua;WANG Sen;Faculty of Automation Engineering;Shenyang institute of Engineering;
Problem analysis and improving measure study in bilingual teaching mode off Chinese-foreign cooperation education
WANG Pei-bin;GUAN Dou-jiao;LI yuan;School of Energy Power;Shenyang Institute Engineering;
The Way for Resolving the Contradiction in the Condition and Policy Education——Based on Collaborative innovation Theory
ZOU Zai-jin;HUANG Dong-gui;Ideological and Political Department;Guangdong Vocational and Technical College;College of Politics;Guangxi University;
Strategy Research on Internalization of Socialist Core Values of University Students
WANG Dan;SUN Wei;Student Affairs Division;Shenyang Institute of Engineering;
The Analysis of Necessity and Function of Instant Messaging Tools in Counselors Work
ZHAO Hai-feng;School of Physics;Liaoning University;
Inspiration of ABET for Computer Teaching
YANG Hong-ping;WANG Qing-li;SUN Xian-li;LV Hai-hua;College of Information;Shenyang Institute Engineering;
Creating “Trinity”of College Students Entrance Education Network Platform Model
CHEN Mo;Student Affairs Division;Shenyang University;
Mental Health Study of Postgraduate University Students
JING Wei-guo;LI Wei;Department of Automobile and Transportation;Wuxi Institute of Technology;Department of Internet;Wuxi Institute of Technology;
zheng gao qi shi