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Journal of Liaoning Business Vocational College
2004 Issue 1
Thoughts on Teaching of Maxist Philesophy Tenets
cong yan (shenyang profession and technique college merchanical and electronic college; shenyang; liaoning 110043)
Synthetic Analysis for Higher Engineering Universities of Shenyang
kong wen zhang chengjun(scientific research and industriak management office of shenyang industry college; shenyang; liaoning 110168)
The Character Istic and Research Contents of Macro-library Science
cui yanhua (the library of shenyang educational college; shenyang 110016; china)
shi lun yi fa zhi guo yu yi de zhi guo de guan xi
xu qing guan ; chen yan
shi shu lu ka qi de she hui cun zai gai nian
zou ji xing ; shi feng
On Love Tragedy Inevitability of the Hero and Heroine in Wuthering Heights
chi xiuxiaig gu hua(the foreign language college; the east-north university ; shenyang liaoning 110003)
ying yu ting li ke jiao xue tan tao
zheng zhong
ying yu yan yu cuo wu qian xi
ren feng mei
yong san ge dai biao si xiang chuang xin deng xiao ping li lun gai lun ke
wang zuo hua ; li tian yi
Discussing on Bilingual Teaching about the Subject《Computer Networks》in Our University
dong liju zhou xin jia dongmei (college of information engineering; shenyang university; china 110044)
Subjective and objective factors of the “two”lessons' actual effect and counterstrategy
mao haibo (jinzhou teacher college; jinzhou; liaoning 121000)
xin shi ji gao zhi yuan xiao tu shu guan yuan su zhi tan
han feng wei
Brief Account of Judgement by Default in Criminal Procedure
cai changxin(liaoning university shenyang; liaoning 110036)
The Plan About Labor Union News Report and Conduct
han song (dalian journal of nationalities university dalian development area 116600)
nv xing du shen xian xiang de wen hua jing ji qian xi
liang li
Scientific Periodical and Marketing Economy
yang lijun (editorial department of journal; shenyang architectural and civil engineering university; shenyang; liaoning 110168)
da xue sheng xue xi xin li chu tan
he li ping ; liu chun lan
On the Improvement of English Teaching through the Correct Using of Teachers Body Language
liu zhixiang (industry and trade school of shenyang; shenyang; liaoning 110044)
Teachers and the Students in the Teaching Cooperation Art
cui wen jun
Study on the Cultural Industry development and suggestions of LiaoNing Province
chen\ yun(economy college of shenyang university shenyang; liaoning 110041)
shi xi shang shi gong si li run cao zong de fang fa
wang fu ying ; chen jing zhen
guan yu wo guo hui ji jiao yu gai ge de gou xiang
li xiu min
guan yu gong zheng zheng ju zuo yi
li wei yue ; zhang shu min
On the Deficiency and Perfection of our Bank Statistical Work
cai yun (liaoning branch of the state development bank liaoning shenyang 110012)
The Effective Ways to Form a Student-Centered English Class
gu xiaonan (liaoning business vocational college; shenyang liaoning 110015)
Close Combination between Teaching and Learning in College English
kong xianghang (from shenyang chemical institute of technology)
The Bad Influence of Internet Imaginary to the Juvenile
li jing(shenyang business vocational college; shenyang liaoning 110015)
Analysis of Independence of Trust Property
xu wei (college of law; xiammen university.xiamen; fujian.362005)
On the Temporary Suspension of the Execution of a Sentence
liu fang xu feng liu yi (liaoning provinclial committee party school; the center of politica science and law)
To Discuss the Nature of Charging for Parking
ge zhidan (liaoning business vocational college.shenyang liaoning 110015)
wang luo shi dai gao xiao si xiang zheng zhi gong zuo po xi
song qing yi ; yuan su qin
gao deng jiao yu zi yuan pei zhi yu she hui gong ping
shi wan bing
ke xue mei xing er shang xue lan tu yu ke xue li lun de chuang li
xu xiang yun ; zhang zu gui
dian zi shang wu she shui fa lv wen ti tan tao
zheng ying
Discussing the Busiress Logistics Managemant
chen wenhan (hefei business vocational college of anhui economical and trade college hefei; anhui 230022)
Comment on Western Market Socialism Trend Since 90 Decade
liu luhong (shenyang arch and civ.eng.univ.shenyang 110015)
xin jian gao xiao wen hua guan li yan jiu
xiang da zhong
Standpoints of Writing Teaching in Colleges and Universities
wang wei (dept.of foreign language; benxi metallurgy college; benxi liaoning 117022)
zen yang jian li you xiao de nei bu kong zhi zhi du
wang dan ; liang wei dong
Cultivating the Good Teachers'Behaviour and zts Infwence to Children's Ps ychology Healthy
lin nan zhong hui (the bussiness vocational college of shenyang nomal university shenyany 110036)
gou tong shi qiang hua qi ye ren ji chong tu guan li de gen ben tu jing
zhang zuo ; huo chun hui
The Influence China's entny into the WTO
zhang haifeng (the east-north university shenyang; liaoning; 110003)
On the Obstacles and Countermeasures of China's Technology Property Rights Market
li wenbo 1 xi ying 2 (1.school of business administration; zhejiang normal university; jinhua; 321004; china; 2.management school; northwestern poly technical university.xi an; 710072; china)
Campus Culture and Mentality Education
dou guanghui gao shijie (information & control engineering faculty; shenyang architectural and civil engineering university; shenyang; 110168)
The Reform Advice of the System of the Judicial Committee
wang ruiheng (law school; liaoning normal university; dalian 116029; china)
The Counterstrategy of Reforming the State-owned Property System
chen shuang(law research department of liaoning social science 110031)
The Analysis on Deng’s conception of education
chuailihua lili (the foreign language department; shenyang chemical institute of technology ; shen yang ; liaoning; 110 0 0 0 )
To Discuss the Cultural Inteference in the Translation of Periodicals and Neuspapers
ma xiaohua (liaoning business vocational college shenyang; liaoning; 110015)
The Thoughts Brought to the Appointed-Accountants'System
sui sulan(liaoning institute of vocational economy administration; shenyang; liaoning 110122)
Asia and Africa into the Globe Economy
ngakosso antoine wu fengguang
wo guo ju min shou ru fen pei cha ju de cheng yin ji dui ce si kao
song chun lan ; zhang hu li
Research on Strategies of Optimization of Administrative Remedy System in China
wu pengfei (school of law; jiangxi university of finance and economics nanchang; 330013)
How to Reinforce and Enlarge Vocabulary
gao jian (the foreign language department; shenyang chemical institute of technology; shen yang; liaoning; 110000)
The Possibility of American English Separating from British English
ding fei(shenyang profession and technique college merchanical and electronic college shenyang; liaoning province 110043)
The Amount Change to Qualitative Progress——To Long the writing training in Teaching
zhang yaping (jinzhon the 12th middle school jinzhen liaoning 121001)
The Application of Multimedia Technology in Vehicle Engineering Teaching
ma ji liu yang (shenyang institute of technology shenyang; liaoning 110016)
High College should emphasize on student's outer P.E activities
li shengji (p.e department; liaodong institute; dandong; liaoning 118003)
Modern education technique and college teaching reform
zhang ze (the department of genetic engineering xiangfan vocational and technical college; xiangfan hubei 441021; china)
qian tan wo guo hui ji guo ji hua wen ti de ce lue
yang jing hai ; ma shao xian
To Construct the Economic-Law Course to Fitting Law-service Specialized Subject of High Vocational Education
zheng yumin(shenyang engineering college; shenyang liaoning 110015)