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Liaoning Meteorological Quarterly
2010 Issue 3
Climatic characteristics of severe convective weather in Liaoning province
chen chuan-lei1 wu xiao-feng1 sun xiao-wei1 wang ying2 wang tai-wei1 wei xiao-lin3(1.shenyang central meteorological observatory; shenyang 110016; china; 2.shenyang regional climate center; shenyang 110016; china; 3.donggang meteorological bureau; donggang 118300; china)
A preliminary discussion on prejudication of monthly report forms from ground automatic weather station
li ning1 dong guo-ping2 zhang dong-ju1 xie guo-xin3(1.yixian meteorological bureau; yixian 121100; china; 2.meteorological school of liaoning province; shenyang 110016; china; 3.heishan meteorological bureau; heishan 121400; china)
Diagnostic analysis on Meiyu rainstorm and its simulation based on backward trajectory analysis method during June 2009 in the south of Anhui province
su ji-feng1; 2 zhou tao1 zhu bin2 liu shu-yuan1(1.the 61st squad of 94857 troops of the chinese people s liberation army; china; 2.school of atmospheric physics; nanjing university of information science and technology; nanjing 210044; china)
Discussion on determination of sanitary prevention distance for cement enterprise in China
li you-peng1 tong ji-long2 pan feng2 xu sheng-hui3(1.college of atmospheric science; lanzhou university; lanzhou 730000; china; 2.research center for environmental quality assessment of lanzhou university; lanzhou 730000; china; 3.environmental assessment center in gansu province; lanzhou 730030; china)
Comparison on weather processes of two extreme minimum temperatures in Qinhuangdao,Hebei province
yan cheng-yu1; 2 min jin-zhong1 cui fe-e2 zhang bao-gui2(1.nanjing university of information science and technology; nanjing 210044; china; 2.qinhuangdao meteorological bureau; qinhuangdao 066001; china)
Doppler weather radar echo characteristics of a hail disaster in North Slope of Tianshan Mountain,Xinjiang province
zhao jun-rong(shihezi meteorological bureau; shihezi 832000; china)
Auto-generation technology of meteorological isoline based on ArcObjects and its application
liu de-yi1 qian jian-ping2 wu xiao-ming2 li zhen-fa1 li ming2(1.tianjin climate center; tianjin 300074; china; 2.national engineering research center for information technology in agriculture; beijing 100097; china)
Inter-decadal variations of summer temperature in Northeast China and relationships with Pacific SSTA
li fei1 li ji2 guan zhao-yong3(1.school of atmospheric sciences; nanjing university of information science and technology; nanjing 210044; china; 2.shenyang regional climate center; shenyang 110016; china; 3.key laboratory of meteorological disaster in jiangsu province; nanjing university of information science and technology; nanjing 210044; china)
Check method on surface pressure extreme value from ground automatic weather station
ju xiao-hui1 cao li-juan1 zhu jian-hua2(1.national meteorological information center; beijing 100081; china; 2.division of observation and forecasting; beijing meteorological bureau; beijing 100081; china)
A preliminary study on wind field in clear sky region based on infrared brightness temperature of geostationary satellite image
guo xiao-jun1; 2 wang zhen-hui1; 2 liu chang1; 2 li feng3(1.key laboratory of meteorological disaster of ministry of education; nanjing university of information science and technology; nanjing 210044; china; 2.school of atmospheric physics; nanjing university of information science and technology; nanjing 210044; china; 3.climate center of shandong provincial meteorological bureau; ji nan 250031; china)
Relationship between air pollution index and surface meteorological elements in Xiamen,Fujian province
zheng mei-xiu zhou xue-ming(xiamen meteorological bureau; xiamen 361012; china)
Effects of meteorological factors on air quality above the third grade pollution in Beijing
li de-ping1 cheng xing-hong2 yu yong-tao1 cao hai-wei1 li dong1 xu shi-qing1(1.beijing observatory; beijing 100089; china; 2.national climate center; beijing 100081; china)
Localization application of regional climate model RegCM_NCC in Northeast China
li ji1 wang xiao-tao1 li fei2 an xin3(1.shenyang regional climate center; shenyang 110016; china; 2.nanjing university of information science and technology; nanjing 210044; china; 3.shenyang meteorological bureau; shenyang 110168; china)