Development of mid-small regional impending debris flow prediction system
zhang jinghong1; 2 wei fangqiang2 deng bo3 zeng wenqin3 gu linkang3(1.laboratory of prevention and reduction of disaster; institute of hainan meteorological sciences; haikou570203; of mountain hazard and environment; chinese academy of sciences; chengdu 610041; 3.liangshan meteorological observatory; xichang 615000)
A preliminary study on soil microorganism in Panjin reed wetland
zhao xianli1 zhou guangsheng1; 2 zhou li2 lv guohong1 jia qingyu1 xie yanbing1( of atmospheric environment; china meteorological administration; shenyang 110016; 2.laboratoryof quantitative vegetation ecology; institute of botany; the chinese academy of sciencies; beijing 100093)