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Journal of Jingzhou Teachers College
2009 Issue 2
dui dang qian wo guo jia ting sheng yu yi yuan de diao cha yan jiu
wang zuo ; li lin
Homogenization of Academic Periodicals and Countermeasure
ye li-rong(journal press; yangtze university; jingzhou hubei 434023)
wo xiao tu shu guan yong hu jiao yu xian zhuang ji gai ge
chu dong hong
ba he er bu chuang yi qu de yin le feng ge yu yan zou
li jing
huang liang shan zhuang zhong de lun dun he lun dun de wu
lin yan qing ; lu qiu ju
Some Issues on Establishing Teaching Team in Local Colleges and Universities
jia huan-jun(department of teaching affairs management; daqing petroleum institute; daqing heilongjiang 163318)
qian xi min zu di qu nv xing shou jiao yu quan
guo min
du li xue yuan xin xi hua jian she tan tao
liu ye cheng
gao xiao jiao xue mi shu jiao se ding wei tan jiu
liu ya qin
Risk Management in Human Resources Management in Secondary Professional Schools
ge yi-ling(accounting department; jingzhou technical school; jingzhou hubei 434000)
cong nong shang bu di zhi yan jiu suo kan zhong guo di xue jiao yu de fa zhan
peng xiao bo ; yan li ping
gao deng shu xue ke cheng te dian yu jiao xue gai ge chu tan
dong yong ; chen zhong
On Sportsmanship and Personality Education in Middle School Physical Education
li xue(jingzhou dongfang middle school; jingzhou hubei 434000)
On Innovating the Carrier of Education of Party Members among College Students
jin qing-liang(party organization department; wenzhou university; wenzhou zhejiang 325035)
qiu chang guan zhong bao li fan zui de fa li fen xi ji qi li fa wan shan
li jin lei ; zhang yong sheng
gao xiao tu shu guan ren cai dui wu jian she de si kao
yang dong mei
lue lun ru jia de guo ji fa si xiang
zhong ji jun ; zhao guo hong
shao nian ti xiao xue sheng xin li wen ti fen xi yu dui ce
shi li juan
Practicing and Exploring: Teaching Procedures Management Reform in Independent Colleges
guo mai-cheng sun shou-chen(school of engineering technology; yangtze university; jingzhou hubei 434020)
On Freshmen Education in Medical Colleges
hou xiao-hui(guangdong medical college; dongguan guangdong 523808)
rss zai tu shu guan xin xi fu wu zhong de ying yong
gong guang li
Establishing Human Resource Flow Mechanism of Universities Giving Full Play to the Effective Flow
xu ting1 chen ling2(1school of economy and management; shunde polytechnic; foshan guangdong 528300; 2school of further study; guangdong industry technical college; guangzhou guangdong 510000)
Study of Hot Topics of Electronic Commerce Based on Bibliometrics
chen wen-lin(department of information and technology; shenzhen ratio and television university; shenzhen guangdong 518001)
Development and Enlightenment: Vocational Education of US Community Colleges
miao yan-yan(research institute for university development; yangtze university; jingzhou hubei 434023)
gu dai jia xun zhong de jiao hua yi yun ji qi dang xia jia zhi tan xi
shi min feng ; sun zuo ; jiang le zuo
lun wo guo zhong cai ji gou de gai ge
xu li ming
shang ye yin xing hun ye jing ying de li bi fen xi
wang jian ming
gao xiao jiao xue gai ge yu xue sheng jiu ye qu xiang xiang guan xing yan jiu
zhang pei yu ; yao gui ku
On Economy Development of Midland in the Context of Financial Crisis
wu ai-jun(school of management; wuhan university of technology; wuhan hubei 430070; school of technology and engineering; yangtze university; jingzhou hubei 434020)
jiao long wen hua xian xiang : qun zhong wen hua de xin tan suo
xiong hong zhen
Stimulating a Vibrant Teaching Methodology with Social Realities——Some Thoughts on Modern Chinese Teaching
zhu chu-hong(school of literature; yangtze university; jingzhou hubei 434023)
gao xiao xue sheng dang jian gong zuo si kao
yu hua ping ; guo mei
The Roles of Gestalt Perception in Meaning Organization and Interpretation
qin jian-ping(school of foreign languages; xianning college; xianning hubei 437005)
Contribution and Limitation of German Civil Code
chen li-wang(school of politics and law; yangtze university; jingzhou hubei 434023)
gao xiao tu shu guan shu zi hua xian zhuang ji qu shi
zhou jian fen ; xiang yun bin
Research about Computer Specialty's Ideological Education in High School at Present
ren qian(college of computer science; yangtze university; jingzhou hubei 434023)
du li xue yuan jiao xue du dao gong zuo yan jiu
wei yan ni
you tian di zhi shi xi jiao xue zu zhi guan li tan
cai zhao juan
Study of the Processing Patterns of Time as Space Metaphors
gong ping(college of foreign languages; tianjin university of technology and education; tianjin 300222)
duo mei ti yu ying yu jiao xue
li hai fang
A Study of Film Title Translation from the Perspective of Context Adaptation
zheng hui liao jing(school of foreign languages; central south university; changsha hunan 410083)
Multiple Compound Sentence Teaching under the Instruction of Generalization and Differentiation Theory
wu song(school of literature; yangtze university; jingzhou hubei 434023)
xiao yi zhong wen dian shi jie mu ming cheng de ying yi
tan xiang yan
Analysis of Hermans' View of Translation Norm
hu ping hu yin(school of basic teaching; shanghai university of engineering science; shanghai 201600)
On Teenagers' Potentiality Development and Mental Health
wu xi-gai li jie(department of education science; yangtze university; jingzhou hubei 434023)
da xue ying yu kou yu jiao xue de nan dian yu dui ce
bi hao hao
Analysis of Development Trends in ESP Teaching in China
yan ling chen sheng(school of foreign languages; yangtze university; jingzhou hubei 434023)
yu kuai jiao xue zhong de xue de
qi xiao xing
Great Chu Culture and Great Chu Myth
tian zhao-yuan(department of chinese language and literature; east china normal university; shanghai 200241)
The Relationship of Painted Clay Sculpture and the Daily Life in Niexi Village
li lin-lin(school of literature; journalism and communication; the central university for nationalities; beijing 100081)
Innovation of Constitutional Culture
zeng zhe (college of law; nanjing audit university; nanjing jiangsu 210029)
Indra:A Case Study in Comparative Mythology
ev cochrane translated by zhang xu(school of translation studies; xi an international studies university; xi an shaanxi 710128)
bo te yu fu ke na de xie zuo ji qiao
chen yan
The Rational Cognition of the Mathematical Structure for Chinese Poem
xiong hui(department of mathematics; dongguan university of technology; dongguan guangdong 523808)
From Clay to Art——A Research on Culture Trait and Aesthetic Feature of Clay Sculpture
lin ji-fu(school of literature; huazhong normal university; wuhan hubei 430079; school of literature; journalism and communication; the central university for nationalities; beijing 100081)
da xue sheng ze ye wen ti ji dui ce
li xiong wen
Development Route of Chinese Diplomacy in the Context of World Economic Crisis
huang xiao-yun(school of politics and law; yangtze university; jingzhou hubei 434023)
Restrictions on Anti-dilution Protection of Well-known Trademarks
shao yan(law school; anhui university of finance and economy; bengbu anhui 233030)
Empirical Study:Board Size of Listed Companies in Guangxi and Company Performance
gong qing lu qi-an li shu-kun(school of economy and management; guangxi normal university; guilin guangxi 541004)
Education of Ideological and Political Theory: Development and Achievement
jing yong-jie(department of geography and resource environment; qinghai normal university; xining qinghai 810008)
On Strengthening Military Academy Students' Consciousness of Hardship
hua chang-he zang chuan-hui feng qiang(college of science; pla information engineering university; zhengzhou henan 450001)
da xue sheng bu liang xian xiang zhi wo jian
zou zuo
ying han yu xiu jue ci yu de yin yu yan jiu
zhang li
Creation and Application of Learner's E&C Parallel Corpus
xie jia-cheng tan hong-hui(school of foreign languages; yangtze university; jingzhou hubei 434023)
xing qu jiao xue fa yu wang qiu jiao xue
zhao fang zuo
qian tan liu zuo yu cai zi jia ren xiao shuo
liu yu xiu
Simple Analysis on Problems and Proposals Regarding Japanese Teaching as a Second Foreign Language (SFL) in Colleges
lin shi-min(foreign language school; zhanjiang normal college; zhanjiang guangdong 524048)
Lexical Reiteration in Reading Comprehension
fan jin-ling yu hong-yuan jiang you-wei(school of foreign languages; chongqing university of technology; chongqing 400050)
Interpretation Characteristics and Interpreter Training
wang li(department of basic general courses; hubei college of traditional chinese medicine; jingzhou hubei 434000)
a de yu yong gong neng ji qi huo de ji zhi
yan na ; zheng hou yao
han yu wei jue ci tian de ren zhi yin yu yan jiu
xiong li ; zheng hou yao
qian tan da xue ying yu jiao xue zhong de fan yi jiao xue
hu qi bing
tu shi li lun yu ting du li jie zhong de zheng wu ce shi ti
wang ying xia
Analysis of Present Situation of Physical Education in Colleges and Universities
huang xiang-fu(school of physical education; yangtze university; jingzhou hubei 434023)
xin sheng ben ke yuan xiao bian yi yuan li de jiao xue gai ge tan xi
ren min ; huang pei hua
Students Experimental Reform and the Comprehensive Quality of University Culture
yu xiang-tao1 wu hong-te2 (1college of geosciences; yangtze university; jingzhou hubei 434023; 2college of chemistry and environment engineering; yangtze university; jingzhou hubei 434023)
The Criticism on "Petroleum Literature"
guan xing-ping(school of literature; yangtze university; jingzhou hubei 434023)
Legal Thinking on Traffic Accident Compensation for Unknown Vagrants
xu qian-quan1 ye bei2(1school of politics and law; yangtze university; jingzhou hubei 434023; 2salvation and protecting for homeless children center of jingzhou; jingzhou hubei 434000)
jian gou zhu yi xue xi li lun de jiao yu yi yi
xu xian rong ; fu ying chun
Some Problems on Scientific Outlook on Development
bi jian-ling ma chuan-yong(zhoucun district party school of zibo city; zibo shandong 253000)
ge chang xin li diao kong neng li de pei yang ce lue
li wen ai
bei ke qian yi
shi chun jin
lun gao zhi yuan xiao mian xiang she hui kai zhan ji neng pei xun de bi yao xing
chen wei ; shang ; zhou da peng
du li xue yuan zhi ding ren cai pei yang fang an de si kao
chen yu fei
cong mu de lun shi jiao shen shi fan yi biao zhun
xu rong ; liu hong quan
ming que da xue yu wen xing zhi gai jin da xue yu wen jiao xue
huang gao fei
gao deng shu xue fen ji jiao xue fang fa yu xiao guo
zhang tao ; chen zhong
da xue sheng ying yu xue xi nei zai dong ji yan jiu
wang dong mei
he li pei zhi shi yan xiang mu ke xue gou jian shi yan jiao xue ti xi
wu hong te ; yu bing chuan
ying han yu zhong tan ci de nei han he fan yi
zheng shan
Influence of Qilu Culture onto Economic Development of Shandong
sun hai-yan(school of geography and planning; ludong university; yantai shandong 264025)
ping heng gong xue mao dun de cuo shi tan tao
liu zhong bao ; wang xin hai ; gong wen ping
jian mei cao yun dong yu jian fei de yan jiu
peng dao xiu
wang luo huan jing xia de guan li xue jiao xue mo shi tan tao
wang hua qiang ; li cheng biao ; liu xin wei