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Journal of Jinzhou Normal College (Natural Science
2003 Issue 1
Producing Status of Custom Chemicals and Scienctific and Technological Creativity
yang jin-zong; zhang shu-fen; li yan-ke(state key laboratory of fine chemicals; dalian university of technology; dalian 116012; china)
The Application of Mathematics into Solving Physics Questions
chen xiu-hua; zhang qing-yuan(liaoning petro-chemical vocational institute; jinzhou. 121000; china)
A Track Scheme for Stepping Motor in Controlling Manipulator
jin sha; zhao xian-ri(liaoning petro-chemical vocational college; jinzhou 121001; china)
Classification, Danger and Administration of Electric Power Harmonic Waves
li rui-fu wang xiu-li(liaoning petro-chemical vocational technology college; jinzhou 121001; china)
An Analys of New Patterns of P. E Teaching Reform
cao dong(the p. e. deparment of jinzhou normal college; tinzhou; 121000; china)
Design for a Robust PID Pressure Controller with MATLAB
zhuang jian-hong(liaoning provincial college of communications; shenyang 110122; china)
Stability Analysis and Error Estimate of Polygon Approximation
wen xue-bing(department of mathematics jinzhou normal; college; jinzhou; 121000; china)
The Judgement of the Series Feedback or Parallel Feedback in Amplification Circuit
ma jing-min; zhang feng-yun(dept. of physics; jinzhou normal college; jinzhou 121000; china)
An Analysis of error and exdperiment of improvement
wang zhi-fan( department of physics; jinzhou normal college; jinzhou; 121000; china)
About Ohms Law of Whole Circuit and Its Application
liu jun-ling( liaoning petrol-chemical technical college; jinzhou; 121000; china )
The Application of Multimedia Network in Teaching
wang li-jun; xu guang(center of informationjinzhou normal college; jinzhou 121000; china)
Syntax Description for C-S Language
liu wei-jiang; wang shao-wu(department of information technology; jinzhou normal college; jinzhou; 121000; china)
Development of Scavenger of Free Radicals
xin wei-ping; ren jing-bo(jinzhou normal college; jinzhou 121000; china; center for disease control and prevention of huludao; huludao 125001; china)
Thin-layer Chromatography and Its Application on the Separation of Medichine and Natural Pigment
wang jun-ling; jia shu-mei(department of chemistry; yanbei teachers collegeg; datong 037000; china)
Determining Tin in Drinking Water with Hydride Generation-Atomicfluorescence Spctrometry
shang xin(gu taqu sanitation and anti-epidemic station of jinzhou; jinzhou 121000; china)zhang yan(jinzhou sanitation and anti-epidemic station; jinzhou 121000; china)
Using JSP to Build Dynamic Website
gui hong(commeral schooc of jinzhou normal college; jinzhou 121000; china)
On the Function of CAT in Chemistry Teaching
ren su-hua(chapang teachers college; chaoyang 122000; china)
Robust H∞ Control Based on Static State-Feedback for Interval Singular System
shu wei-ren; zhang qing-ling; wagn zhi-fu(1.college of science; northeastern university; shenyang; 110004; china; 2.college of science.soutbern yangtze university; wuxi; 214064.china; 3. jinzhou normal college; jinzhou 121000; china)
Organizing Method of Computer Handle Architecture Adjacent Matrix
chang hua(department of information technology; jinzhou normal college; jinthou; 121000; china)
The Appl:cafion of Momentum Theorem
qu zhi-hong(jinzhou teachers training college; jinxhou; 121000; china)
New Methad of Ridge Estimation Parametric Selection
wang zhi-fu(department of mathematics; jinzhou normal college; jinzhou 121000 china)
Idea of Combination of Numeral and Figure and the Model of Solving Numeral by Figure
liu xiao-gang; zhang sou-bo(jinzhou normal college; jinzhou 121000; china)
Study of the Method of Imitate Examination Quality Assessment
wang mo-li(twelve school in jinzhou.jinzhou 121000; china)
University's Computer Cultural Basic Course Teaching Discussion
chen shuang; dai xin-lai(jinzhou normal college; jinzhou; 121000; china)
Application of "Heunislic Teaching" of College Ealisthenics
mo yi-gang(the p. e. deparmem of jinzhou normal college; jinzhou 121000; china)
Strengthen Physical Education Theory to Promote the Reform in College
hou ji-lin(the p. e. deparment of jinzhou normal college; jinzhou 121000; china)
The Effection of Anisotvopy Properties of Cohesive soil to Lateral Pressure Test in Jinzhou Area
zhou wen-dong(jinzhou programming and design academe; jinzhou 121001 china)shu hong(jinzhou building and design academe; jinzhou 121001 china)che jing-yun(jinzhou civilian building and design academe; jinzhou 121001 china)
The Application And Management of Novelll System in Teaching Net
dai xiu-hong(liaoning petro-chemical vocational college; jinzhou 121000; china)
One New way to Obtain Higher Signal-to-noise Ratio
chen wei-shi; fei ying; liu jun-liang; wang fu-zong(department of physics; jinzhou normal university; jiuzhou; 121000; china)
Robust Reliable Control for a Class of State Delay Nonlinear Systems
qi zhi-wen(department of electron and computer; shenzhen vocational and technical institute; shenzhen 518055; china)
On Distinct Characters of Modern Gym Instructor
lu heng-jing(the p. e. deparment of jinzhou normal college; jinzhou 121000; china)