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Journal of Jinzhou Teachers College(Philosophy and
2003 Issue 3
The Decoding of Xu Zhimo's Heart Journey Embodied in His Poem "Good-bye Cambridge
wang yongsheng li surong (institute of foreign languages; jinzhou normal university; jinzhou; 121000; china)
Liu Xiang's Non-official Biography
xiong ming (the culture dissemination college; liaoning uniuwe sity; shenyang; liaoning 110000; china)
Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and Chinese Political Modernization
huang rujuan (the college of literature ; law and politics; cumt; xuzhou 221008; china)
The Aesthetic Comparison of Kiosk in Ci and Window in Poems
zhu xiaoai (changsha trattic college; changsha; 410076; china)
The Transformation from Adopting Special Policies into Following Systems in Opening to the World
liang xiuqin (the economic and trade department; jinzhou teaches school; jinzhou ; 121000 ; china)
An Inquiry into the Evaluation of Business Management Ability
lou chunhui (jinzhou normal college; jinzhou; 121000; china)
A Simple Analysis on Development of Ecotourism
zhu bin (dept.tourism jinzhou normal university; jinzhou; 121013; china)
The Comparison of the New and Old Principles of Debts Covnbination
zhang guiren (department of financial and tax; jinzhou normal college; jinzhou; 121013; china)
Reasons for the Decline of Chinese Aesthetics Language
jin wei (jechnical college; shenyang teachers college shengang; liaoning 110000; china)
Mediaeval Universities And Their Achievements
pu lin (the department of philosophy of sichuan university; chengdu 610064; china)
On Invalid Guaranteed Contract and It's Legal Obligations
zhang kejian ; cao jie (liaoning provincial law academy; shenyang city secondary people s court; shenyang; 110000; china)
Talk On Reformation And Innovation of English Teaching
shao lina (institute of foreign languages; jinzhou normal uuiversity; jinzhou; 121000; china)
From Duality to Diversification:the Ecological Values of Goal of Education
ma desi ( school of education; jinzhou teachers college; jinzhou; 121000; china)
The Essentiality on the Sex Education to the Students of the Teachers' University
mao haibo (social science department; jinzhou teacher s college; jinzhou; 121000; china)
Discussing Learners' Autonomy of Foreign Languages
liu xiaobei (anshan normal university; anshan 114005; china)
Reasons Analysis and Measures of the Innovations in Ideological Work
sun ying (marxism leninism & morality department of liaoning university; shenyang; 110036; china)
On Wartime Political System of Nanjing Kuomintang Government during the War against Japan
liu baojun (economy and trade department; jinzhou normal professional college; jinzhou 121000; china)
Analysis of the Reform of European Educational Policy and Motives
li xiaoqiang (education department; shenyang normal university ; shenyang ; 110 0 34; china)
Approch to Hot Topic of Advanced Professional Education in China
wang yingming; zhao hongbing (higher vocational technical and jinzhou medical college; jinzhou 121000; china; jinzhou normal college; jinzhou 121000; china)
Discussing the Restricting Factors and Its Countermasures to the Development of Town Branch of National Commercial Bank
che xu (beining branch of construction bank of china; jinzhou; 121000; china)
On the Roles of Music Education in the Quality Education
pu huan (liaoning province shenyang city arts infant teachers school; shenyang 110032; china)
Disscuss the Developmenp course of China characterized Marxism
jia liyan (jinzhou normal university; social science dept.; jinzhou; 121000; china)
The Cutural Connotation of the Color "Red
gao yan (department of foreign languages; jinzhou normal university; jinzhou; 121000; china)
Te Psychological Structare of Chinese Folk Culfure
wu xiaodong (douraalism dept; school of arts and sclence of jinzhou normal university jinzhou; 121000; chona)
Cultural impact" and American "Cultural Monoply
yu rui (the department of social science; yancheng institute of techadogy; yancheng; 224000; china)
The Evatnation of the Accountant Appointing System
tong ling ; ma haiyang (jinzhou port co; ltd; jinzhou; 121007; china)
The Humble Opinion about Assets Valuation and Executive Quality
xu hongyu (jinzhou dongfang certied public accountants co.; ltd; jinzhou; 121000; china)
An Empirical Analysis on the Size of National Debt in China
chen rui (college of economics and management; huaqiao uni; quanzhou; 362011; china)
Aims and Countermeasures Analyzing the Sustainable Development of Real Estate of China
li xiaoyun (liaoning institute of technology; jinzhou; 121000; china)
The Relation Between the Business Management and Enterprise Resource Planning
yu zhanlin (jinzhou teachers college; jinzhou; 121000; china)
The Review of Rorty's Truth Theory of Non-mirror
cao jianbo (department of philosophy; xiamen university; fujian 361005; china)
Su Qing's Probe in to Women's Existence Position in Society
kang fengying (department of chinese; jinzhou teachers college; jinzhou 121001; china)
On Wen Xiang in the Western Affairs Movement
xue ruihan (history department; peking unirersity; beijing 100871 china)
Historical Figures lmplied in "Jin Ping Mei Ci Hua
huo xianjun (school of liberal arts; hebei normal university; shijia zhuang; 050091; china)
Build a"Well-off"Society in All Round Way And to rearrange the Structure of Production
li hanjun (social science department; jinzhou normal university; jinzhou; 121000; china)
The Party in Power Must Deepen Its Understanding of "the Three Laws
li xiujie ; tang kang (jinzhou normal college; jinzhou; 121000; china)
Thinking about the Problem of Keeping on the Advanced Character of the Party
chen xueqin (the party school of linghai city committee of liaoning province committee of the cpc; linghai; 121200; china)
Use "Three Represents' to Guide University's United Front in New Period Work
shu zunqiang (offices of party and government of jinzhou normal university; jinzhou; 121000; china)
Analysis on the Impacts and Strategies on the City Commercial Bank with the Entry into WTO
wan xinpeng (department of finance management; liaoning information college; liaoyang; 111000; china)
Thought on the Litigation Status of the Litigant who has a Limited Title
song zenling (shenyang college of chemistry and technology; shenyang; 110000; china)
A Discussion on Adjustments to Rural Industrial Structures
wang jingzi (jinzhou normal college; commercial college; jinzhou; 121000; china)
The Influence of China's Entry into WTO on Its Accounting Criterion
wang lijuan (jinzhou normal college; jinzhou; 121000; china)
Talking about the Problem about Difficult Financing of Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Briefly
li hongxia (jinzhou normal college; commercial college; jinzhou; 121000; china)
Catching The Spirit And the Aesthetic of China And The West
xing jie (depatment of chinese south china normal university; guangdong 510631; china)
A Discussion on Bilingual Teaching
zhang yajie (jinzhou normal college; jinzhou; 121000; china)
Strengthen the Party's Organizations at Village Level by important thought of "three represents
zhao fulai (the party school of linghai city committee of the cpc; linghai; 121200; china)