Review on Warfarin-related Nephropathy
XU Hang;TANG Wu-ji;SU Shi;PENG Ke-rui;GE Wei-hong;Department of Pharmacy;Nanj ing Drum Tower Hospital;the Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing University Medical School;China Pharmaceutical University;
Quality and Management Recommendations of Hominis Placenta
MIAO Wen-ling;FANG Ke-hui;QIU Ya-jing;DING Qing;WU Yue;HU Hao-bing;Jiangsu J iankang Vocational College;Yangzhou Food and Drug Inspection and Testing Center;Taizhou Food and Drug Inspection and Testing Center;Wuxi Food and Drug Inspection and Testing Center;Jiangsu Food and Drug Inspection and Testing Center;