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Jiangsu Petrochemical College Journal: Philosophy and Social Sciences
2012 Issue 4
The Construction of the Coordination System of Subjects Development and Undergraduate Education
ZHANG Bing-sheng;WANG Shu-li;HE Yan-feng
Several Thinking Points about Chinese Administrative Power Supervision
LIU Ji-chang;GAO Ping
zheng gao qi shi
An Analysis of the Violence in Song of Solomon
WU Hai-fang
On Iconicity of Religious Symbols in The Davinci Code
FENG Wei;LU Jing-dan
Research Status and Trend of Innovation Economy
ZHANG Ji-guo1;HUAN Juan2
Characterization in the Fictions of Realism,Modernism and Post-modernism
HUANG Cheng-zhou 1;2;3;ZHANG Qing-fang 1;ZHOU Xiao-chuan1