Mosaic of MODIS Data Based on IDL and ENVI
cui li-hua1; liu shan-jun1; 2; wen cai-huan1; 3; gu lei1; 4(1.college of resource and environment; hebei polytechnic university; tangshan hebei 063009; china; 2.institute for gis/rs/gps and digital mine research; northeastern university; shenyang liaoning 110004; china; 3.college of resource and survey; china university of mining and technology; xuzhou jiangsu 221008; china; 4.college of resource environment and tourism; capital normal university; beijing 100048; china)
Research Progress of PS Being Modified by Nanoparticles
yu shou-wu1; sang xiao-ming1; xiao shu-juan2; wu peng1(1.college of materials science and engineering; hebei polytechnic university; tangshan hebei 063009; china; 2.college of light industry; hebei polytechnic university; tangshan hebei 063009; china)