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Journal of Guangzhou University:Natural Science Edition
2012 Issue 6
Allylation of 1,3-dicarbonyl compounds to construct quaternary carbon centers
QI Fang-fei;GU Feng-qiang;LI Zhen-feng;LIU Tian-sui;CHEN Yi-xin;CHEN Guo-shu
Web application security protection based on white list
SHEN Zhuang-hao
Analysis on the parameters affected on the maximum stress of inner steel plate of big isolator
SHEN Chao-yong;MA Yu-hong;HUANG Xiang-yun;CHEN Yang-yang;LIN Jia
Design and analysis of joint of slab-column of underground engineering by top-down method
SHEN Kai-peng1;WEI Xi-ling2;JIA Jian-hua2;XIANG Wei-ming1
Discriminant analysis method of character recognition
HUANG Li-wen
zhi xie shen gao zhuan jia
A new similarity measure of generalized trapezoidal fuzzy numbers
LIU Zhi-qiang;XU Ruo-ning
Direct synthesis of hydrogen peroxide from H2 and O2 using Pd catalysts
LIANG Hai-bo1;XIE Wen-jian2;CHEN Guo-shu1;LIU Zi-li;CHEN Yi-xin1
Dynamic and real-time network anomaly detection model——inspired by immune
PENG Ling-xi1;ZENG Jin-quan2
Method of deck multidimensional vibration control for single cable plane arch bridge using shape memory alloys
CHENG Fang-jie1a;LIU Ai-rong1;ZHANG Jun-ping2;YU Qi-cai1b
Toeplitz-type operators in variable exponent spaces
XIE Pei-zhu
Characterization of carbon nanotubes reinforced SiO2 aerogels composites for thermal insulation
WU Hui-jun;PENG Chenga;DING Yun-fei;ZHOU Xiao-qing