Synthesis and curing kinetics of Bis(3-ethyl-4-maleimidophenyl)methane resin
ke gang1; huan shi1; liu xiao-guo2; liu zi-li2; zheng cheng2; feng yong-yue3(1.earthquake engineering research and test center; key laboratory for engineering seismic resistance/reduction and structural safety of ministry of education; guangzhou university; guangzhou 510405; china; of chemistry and chemical engineering; guangzhou university; guangzhou 510006; china; of analysis and test; wuhan university; wuhan 430072; china)
The static prediction and criteria of acid rock drainage
li jin-wen1; wu hui-ming2; chen yong-heng1 ( of environmental science and engineering; guangzhou university; guangzhou 510006; china; of chemistry and chemical engineering; guangzhou university; guangzhou 510006; china),95
Stable distribution model and metallogenic element distribution features
wan li1; 2; wang qing-fei2; 3; shao ren-xiang1( of mathematics and information sciences; guangzhou university; guangzhou 510006; china; 2.state key laboratory of geological processes and mineral resources; china university of geosciences; beijing 100083; china; 3.key laboratory of lithosphere tectonics and lithoprobing technology of ministry of education; china university of geosciences; beijing 100083; china)