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Journal of Chinese People's Public Security University(Social Sciences Edition)
2005 Issue 5
yi fa xing zheng de ji ge wen ti yan jiu
zhu yue
xing shi li fa zheng ce he li hua han yi qian xi
wang hong yu
qing bao fen xi yu yan pan : fang fa yu liu cheng
wang qing huai
ren min zhi an zuo yi
kang da min
The Change of Social Structure and the Professional Development of Security Police
guo tai - sheng (chinese people s public security university; beijing; 100038 china)
Some Thinking about Improving Recognizance with the Reference of Bail System——with the visual angles of changes of bail system in Great Britain and America
yu hua -jiang; wei wei (law department at china agricultural university; beijing 100094; china)
The Value of Study on the Criminal Psychology in the System of Prevention and Control of Crimes
li mei -jin (chinese people s public security university; beijing 100038; china)
ji suan ji wang luo yu wei cheng nian ren fan zui
wei hong zuo
dui mei sha tong wei chi zhi liao de si kao
luo yan
hei she hui ( xing zhi ) fan zui de fang fan dui ce
di jin peng
lun jian shi ju zhu de shi yong ji wan shan
qian xue tang
guan yu jing cha chu ting zuo zheng de ruo gan wen ti
cui min
An Analysis on the Structure of Criminal Evidential System
he quan -sheng (chinese people s public security university; beijing 100038; china)
lun jing cha zhi fa de xian chang kong zhi
yin wei ; pan tong
zi sha wei ji shi jian yan jiu
zou run yu ; mao rui ming
Acquiring A Scientific Personnel Outlook and Promoting the Reconstruction of Teachers in Chinese People's Public Security University
cheng sheng -jun (chinese peoples public security university; beijing 100038; china)