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Journal of Gansu Education College(Natural Science
2010 Issue 5
Irreducible Modules of Cartan Type Lie Algebra W(1,1)
WANG Xiao-shuang
Study on the Sports Talent Selection for Taekwondo Athletes
YANG Xiao-ping1;2
A Method for Similarity Measures Between Vague Sets
CAI Zheng-Qi;TIAN Shuang-Liang;PUCUO Cai-ren;CAO Yong-Chun
A Computer Simulation of Discrete-time Two Populations Competition Mode
MA Xiao-min1;LIU Hua2;MA Gang2;MA Ming2
A Model of Tobacco Sell Based on Propaganda for Damage of Smoking
LIU Yue-wu1;PENG Yan2
Application of Multiple Regression during Basketball Shooting
QIU Fa-qiang
Research and Application on Grey Forecasting the GM(1,1) Model
SHAN Zhen-pei;MA De-Shan
A Approach Problems of the Random Box-spline
YU Wei
A Fault Petri Net of Oriented Fault Diagnosis
Wavelet Image Processing Technology Based on MATLAB
DAI Bao-yan
An Experimental Study on "Research-based Teaching" of Basketball Training
GU Min-jie1;LIU Wei-dong2
Upright a Science monument in 20th Century beginning
WANG Guang-de1;HE Xin2;WANG Li-zhong1;LIU Weng-fang1
Reviews on Land Use Change Modeling
QU Xing-hua;SHI Chong
The monolithic machine applied technique course develops and the teaching pattern studies
DENG Zhi-hui1;TAN Li-xin1;2;Zhang Ping-hua1
Discussion on Teaching Reform of Chemical Engineering Technology at Higher Vocational Institute
ZHANG Xing-hui;WANG Ke-tai;FENG Zhi-gang;SHI Hai-xiong;ZHANG Fu-long