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Journal of Gansu Education College(Natural Science
2001 Issue 1
Exploration and Practice of Teaching Instruction on Plant Taxonomy Course
CHEN Bing-hua;LIU Jian-qiu
On Some Problems of Curriculum Development and Evaluation
HUANG Ying-tang;DUAN Qing-hong;LI Zhi-jun;LIANG Qi
On Aesthetic Standards in Classroom Teaching: understanding and practice
DUAN Qing-hong;HUANG Ying-tang;LI Zhi-jun;LIANG Qi
Research on the Reform of Real Variable Function Teaching
XUE Chang-xing
On the Intermediate-Value Property of Functions
WANG Ji-le
A Feature of Polygons
ZHANG Hui-ling
A Research on Mathematics Teachers' Role and Function in a Mathematical Curriculum Reform
YANG Yu-dong;SUN Min-fu;FENG Zheng-jie
Communication Technologies Between Two Computers
XU Tao-xiang
Application of Mapping
ZHANG Hai-shan
The Generalization of Child's Inequality
WU Shan-he
Positive Solutions of Certain p(x)-Laplace Equations
FAN Xian ling
The System of Axiom in Optics
LEI Gui-lin;ZHENG Wei-Qiang;FAN Yun-tao;SONG Fu-hong;LI Yu-lan;ZHANG Min-guo
3,5-br_2-padap-bro_3--scn- san yuan li zi di he wu ce ding wei liang bro_3- de yan jiu
wang bin ; lu yong fu ; kou zong yan ; liu xi lin
Development of Computer Assisted Instruction Courseware of Foodstuff Microbiology
LAI Jian-ping~1;LUO Jun~2;DENG Zhao-jian~1
liu suan qing na cui hua he cheng er yi suan yi er chun zuo
liu shu yun ; yu shan xin ; li san he
The Application Oriented Computer Adaptive Test System
MEN Wei-jiang
On Method of Doing the Dihedral Angle's Edge
ZHANG Guang-cong