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Developmental and Reproductive Biology
1999 Issue 1
Effect of RFP134 on Membrane Lipid Fluidityin UMR106 Cells
wang jing-ze; tan wei-qi and zhao qi(state key laboratory of biomembrane and membrane biotechnology; institute of zoology; academic sinica; beijing 100080; china)
Expression of human tPA in mammary glandof rabbit by injection of plasmid DNA
wang kai; yang qing-zhang; lai liang-xue; yin zhen and wang jian-rong(department of biotechnology; north-east agricultural university; haerbin 150030; institute of veterinary medicine; university of agriculture and animal science; the people s liberation arm
Effect of Heat Stress on Indole-3-acetic Acid and Abscisic Acid Contents in Soybean of VariousDevelopmental Stages
lu zi-xian; fu hong-yi; deng xiang-dong; zhu bao-ge; liu gen-qi and chen jian-nan(institute of genetics; academia sinica; beijing 100101; china)
Co-localization of Resistance Gene Candidates with Genetically Known Disease Resistance Genes in Rice
tang ding-zhong; yang hui-jun; li wei-ming; worland a. j. and xue yong-biao (plant genetics and development laboratory; institute of developmental biology; chinese academy of sciences; beijing 100080)(college of crop sciences; fujian agricultural university
Detection of the Sequences Homologous to p53 in Maize and Their Chromosome Localizationsvia Hybridization in situ
ning shun-bin; song yun-chun; wang ling; li jing-zhi and liu li-hua(center for developmental biology; wuhan university; wuhan 430072; china)
Sexual Difference of Active Oxygen Metabolismin Silkworm Moth
zhao lin-chuan; pan de-geng and ge zhi-qiang(college of biotechnology; suzhou university; jiangsu 215151; china)
Sex-Dependent Expression of mRNA of Luteinizing Hormone Receptor and Steroidogenic Enzymesin Chicken Embryonic Gonads
zhang cai-qiao; mao xin and shimada kiyoshi(college of biological sciences; china agricultural university; beijing 100094; chinaschool of agricultural sciences; nagoya university; japan)
Studies on the Contributions of Genome-Specific Antigens of Different Biotypes Generatedby Genome Addition
wu yu-ping; ye yu-zhen and wu ching-jiang(institute of hydrobiology; academia sinica; wuhan 430072institute of medical genetics; maternal and child health hospital of zhuhai cityguangdong 519000; china)
Expression of Wheat HMW-GS1Dx5 Geneduring Different Developmental Phases
tian chai; lu yi-fan; deng ji-xian and liu guang-tian (plant science and technique college; chinese agriculture university; beijing 100094; chinainstitute of biotechnique; academy of military medical sciences; beijing 100071; china)
Analysis of Anther Proteins during Micospore Development of Gametophyte Male Sterile Line of Aloe, Hong Lian Type
cai chen-leng; yang zheng and zhu ying-guo(college of life sciences; wuhan university; hubei 430072; china)
Collagenase-3 Activity in Rat Uterus During Estrous Cycle and Implantation
huang jian-guang; zhao yun-ge and zhu cheng(the state key laboratory of reproductive biologyinstitute of zoology; academia sinica; beijing 100080; china)
Dynamic Changes of Lymphocyte Homing Receptorsat Peri-implantation Stage in Mouse
li bin; zhou chun-xi; yang jun; wang li-ming; chen you-zhen and cao yong-qing(flow cytometry laboratory; general hospital of pla; beijing 100853state key laboratory of reproductive biology; institute of zoology; chinese academy of sciences; beijing 100080