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Developmental and Reproductive Biology
1994 Issue 2
Existence and Functions of Neurotens in Human Early Placental Villi
ZHANG Chong-li;CHENG Li-ren;SHEN Wei-bin;YIN Hong;HUANG Wei-quan(State Key Laboratory of Reproductive Biology and Department of Endocrinology;Institute of Zoology;Academia Sinica. Beijing 100080;P.R.China
Transformation of Poplar (Populus)with tPA Gene
ZHAO Shu-hui;HAN Yi-nong;LI Ling;HAN Yi-fan;XUE Guo-xiong;
Expression of Porcine Growth Hormone Gene in CHO Cell
CHEN Qing-xuan;HE Xin;DENG Hui-nan
inhibition of acrosomal enzymes by gossypol is related to its antifertility action
YUAN Yu-ying;ZHANG Yan-lin;SHI Qi-xian
cloning and sequencing of the cdna fragment containing sorghum actin gene soacl
ZHOU Li;ZHANG Xiao-lin;WU Nai-hu
peg mediated gene transfer into orychophragmus violaceus cotyledon protoplast and regeneration of transgenic plants
ZHOU Ji-ming;WEI Zhi-ming;LIU Shi-gui LUO Peng (Department of biology