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Developmental and Reproductive Biology
1992 Issue 1
Studies of the Kinetochore Proteins of the Regenerating Liver and the Liver Cells of Rats at Different Stages of Development
Zhang Huan-Xiang Wang Yong-Chao Liang Fu-You Department of Biology;Beijing Normal University;Beijing 100875 Capital Institute of Medicine;Beijing 100054
Effects of the Development of Thyroid and Sex Glands on the Synthesis of Brain Tubulin in Chick and Mouse Embryos
Guo Shou-Xiang Wang Hong Cui Ru-Zhen Li Lan-Ge Deparment of Biochemistry;Tianjin Medical College;Tianjin;300070
Plasminogen Activator and Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor in Mouse Ovaries during Periovulatory Periods
Liu Yi-Xun Feng Qiang Hu Zhao-Yuan State Key Laboratory of Reproductive Biology;Institute of Zoology;Academia Sinica;Beijing;100080
The Study of Enzymology Characterization of Ctenopharyngodon idellus LDH Isozyme
Xue Guo-Xiong Institute of Developmental Biology;Academia Sinica;Beijing;100080Wu Ting-Ting Zhang Yan-Sheng Liu Jie Freshwater Fisheries Research Center;Chinese Academy of Fisheries Science;Wu Xi 214081
Regulation of P1-450 Gene Expression by Dimethylbenzanthracene in Human Lung Tumor Cells in Culture
Fei Yun-Biao Institute of Developmental Biology;Academia Sinica;Beijing 100080Kirstin L.Brown Harvard School of Dental Medicine and Harvard Medical School;Boston;Mass 02115 U.S.A.Debajit K.Biswas Laboratoory of Molecular Biology;Harvard School of Dental Medicine and Harvard Medical School;Boston;Mass 02115 U.S.A.
An Accurate Model for the Expression of the Antisense RNA Block Gene:the Firefly Luciferase Gene-Xenopus Oocyte System
Jin Zhen-Hua Pei Wen Li Xiang-Yang Zhou Zong-Xun Institute of Developmental Biology;Academia Sinica;Beijing;100080
S.P.Xue Ph.D Editor-in Chief Beijing;May 30;1992
Sperm Mediated Transfer of Genes into Goldfish and Detection by Polymerase Chain Reaction
Yu Jian-Kang Yan Wei Zhang Yu-Lian Fei Yun-Biao Huang Tao Yan Shao-Yi Institute of Developmentl Biology;Academia Sinica.Beijing;100080