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Packaging and Food Machinery
2006 Issue 3
Quality Control for UHT Milk in Plastic Bag
General Instroduction on Inspection of Food Hygiene
YAN Yi-bin
Production Technology of Herbal Tea in Plastic Bottle
WANG Chang-jun;BIAN Yu-nuan;MENG Fu-xiang
Thermodynamic Computing for Malt Works Surface Coolinger
CHEN Chang-bin
Study on the Design of Hygiene and Safety for Food Machinery
WANG Guo-kou
Design and Realization of Combination Control System about Moisture of Cut System on the Fluid Bed Dryer
CAI Hua-chuan;LU Rong-de;ZHOU Kai-pi;GUAN Gui-chun
Studies on the Low Lactose Milk
QUAN Jian;QIN Li-hu;TAN Yuan;REN Jiang-hong;LIN Feng-xiang
Research of Aseptic Theory
ZHANG Gui-feng;ZENG Jin-song
Dynamic Imitate of Skin Packaging
ZHU Hui;HUANG Zhi-gang