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Packaging Engineering
2000 Issue 1
Package type and facility for transporting the small electric machine
Wang Decheng;Gong Yu;Li Jiji
Originality of advertisement
Mao Wenzheng
A study of evaluation to packaging design
Huo Lijiang
Influence of modern consumer psychology on packaging design
Yao Jianpin
Development of anti-static barrier packaging material and its anti-static mechanism
Tan Zhiliang;Tao Fenghe;Liu Shanghe;Wei Guanghui;Chen Zhengxin
Packaging modernizations and trends
Yu Jiang;Yan Xinmin;Wang Zheng
The analyse of packaging castoff reclaim and packaging designing amelioration
Yu Xin;Gao Xinbao;Xuan Zhaolong
Discontinuous optimization on the spatial containerization of cubic package piece(Part Seven)
Yang Tao;Yang Chuanmin;Chen Shaowei;Liang Yanshu
The filming-drawing mechanism in mediumsized vertical bag forming machine
Zhang Guoquan;Hu Mingxiu