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Journal of Jilin University(Medicine Edition)
2011 Issue 2
Influence of PTEN on proliferation of colon cancercell HCT-8 by siRNA
LU Qiang;TANG Liang;LI Jian-hua;GONG Peng-tao;XU Xiao-fang;TIAN Tian;LI Ze-zhong;LUO Wei-wei;XING Shen-yang;ZHANG Xi-chen;GAO Jiu-chun
Anti-tumor effect of extract from Bark of Juglans Mandshurica Maxim on gastric cancer mice in vivo
LIN Rui-xin;YANG Shu-li;FANG Xue-dong;GONG Lu-lu;ZHANG Yan
Expressions of urotensin Ⅱand tissue transglutaminase in rat renal interstitial fibrosis tissue and their significances
QU Meng;WANG Dan;LI Cai;LI Xiang-jun;MIAO Chun-sheng;LI Yun-qian
Construction of Cre recombinase expression vector Cre-pCEP4 and its application in Cre/loxP system
ZHOU Yang;ZHU Jian-guo;TANG Xiao-chun;YAN Sen;SONG Na;ZHANG Ming-jun;LI Li;OU-YANG Hong-sheng;PANG Da-xin
Detection of type 2 herpes simplex virus in female asymptomatic patients with sexually transmitted disease and its clinicl significance
zhong shu xia ; li shan shan ; liu he song ; zheng hua ; xing zhen yue ; song yang
Epidemiology and analysis on risk factors of non-infectious chronic diseases in adults in northeast China
SHI Xiao-dong;WEI Qi;HE Shu-mei;TAO Yu-chun;SUN Jie;NIU Jun-qi
cai se duo pu le chao sheng zai shen shang xian zhan wei xing bing bian zhen duan zhong de ying yong
zhang zuo ; yang lei ; li xue jing ; zhang wei ; tian peng
Promotional effects of amniotic epithelial cells on neural regeneration in spinal cord hemisection-injured rats
LI Chen;XUE Hui;LIU Jia-mei;ZHANG Xiu-ying;SONG Yu;WANG Jin-cheng
gan zhong liu zao ying tu xiang zhi liang yu sheng nuo wei zao ying ji yong liang de guan xi
li guo zheng ; yuan min ; feng li zhong ; wu zi fang ; liu zeng qiang ; liu li yan
Inhibitory effects of curcumin associated with CIK cells on proliferation of ovarian carcinoma cells and their mechanisms
SHAN Yan-hong;ZHANG Hai-jun;XU Zhi-gang;CUI Man-hua
Expression of MIP-1α mRNA in inflammed pulp tissue and its significance
LI Nan-nan;ZHANG Zhi-min;WANG Cheng-kun;WANG Jin-rui;MENG Xiu-ping
xin xi dong tai
Effect of hydrogen sulfide on processing of amyloid precursor protein
ZHANG Hua;GU Xiao-yun;MENG Tao;DAI Zheng-wei;ZHAO Feng-li;PENG Xue-mei;PENG Zhu-yun;YAN Yong
Analysis on epidemiological characteristics of inpatients with mental disorders and relevant risk factors
YAN Li;XIE Bing;YAO Yan;MA Lin;WANG Shi-bin;LI Zhuo-lin;WANG Chong;NIU Ke-zhen;LI Tao;YU Ya-qin
er tong mu cun bing 1 li bao gao
chen peng ; xu zhong ; tian zuo ; zhang si zuo ; zheng bai hong ; guo zuo ; liu feng
Effect of GRP78 gene expression down-regulation on cisplatin-resistance of human ovarian cancer SKOV3/DDP cells
FAN Li-mei;ZHANG Li-hui;CUI Song-hua;CUI Man-hua
gbr lian he prf xiu fu gen jian zhou nang zhong gu que sun de lin chuang guan cha
ma ning ; zhang zheng ; jin ming guang ; liu xue min ; zhang li
Effect of arsenic trioxide on cell cycle progression of cell line KBM5R with T315I point mutation
LI Xiao-feng;LIU Qiu-ju;LI Jing-he;WANG Xiu-li;SHEN Wei-zhang;LU Ai-ping;JIA Bo;CHEN Peng
Effect of reversion of ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides on cisplatin resistant in ovarian cancer cells and its mechanism
QU Hong-guang;GAO Lei;HE Dan;LIU Cong;YAN Wei;GAO Song;WANG Li
duan zan xing nao que xue fa zuo fa zhan zhi nao geng si xiang guan yin su fen xi
zuo jun jie ; han zuo ; yao yong hua
Analysis clinical effect of negative pressure drainage in treatment of acute periapical periodontitis
LIU Ying;LI Chun-yan;SHAO Hai-feng;LIANG Shuang
Effects of selenium and vitamin E on myocardial fibrosis in rats fed on grains from Keshan disease endemic area
JIA Chun-shu;CHEN Ai-jun;LI Min;LI Xiang-Jun;MIAO Chun-sheng;LI Xi-ning;REN Li-qun
Relationship between retentive force of acetal resin clasp and depth of abutment undercut
LIAO Lan;WANG Jun;OUYANG Shao-bo;ZHU Hong-shui
Isolation of human keratinocyte stem cells and evaluation of their biological characteristics
MA Ying-zhi;GAO Hang;DENG Fang-ge;ZHANG Li-hong;LI Yu-lin
Promotion effect role of CLC-2 on promoting H9C2 cell hypertrophy by angiotensin Ⅱ
MU Rong;ZHANG Yong;YU Chun-yan;ZHONG Jia-teng;SUN Lian-kun;LIU Fei;LIU Yu-he
127 zhu fei fa jiao jun de nai yao xing fen xi
bao dong wu ; man yong hong
po gong chan tong shi xing zi gong ji liu ti chu shu 92 li lin chuang fen xi
chen qing ran ; zou hai qiong ; meng long
Comparisons of safety and curative effect between intramedullary nail and plate for internal fixation of humeral shaft fractures
li dan ; wang gang ; gu gui shan ; wang tie jun ; sun da hui
fu jian zheng 1 li bao gao
li chong min ; ren wei xing ; liang shuang
chao duan bo pei he qian ci duo xue fa zhi liao zhou qi xing mian shen jing ma bi 38 li
qu you lian ; liu shu juan ; sun li juan
Effect of bispectral index on intraoperative awareness under total intravenous anesthesia
QU Xiao-xia;MA Hai-chun;YUAN Ye;FENG Chun-sheng
Effects of different etching methods on losing ratio of bond orthodontic brackets in fluorotic teeth
SHI Rui-xin;ZHU Xian-chun;CHEN Yuan-ping;ZHOU Yan-min
Effects of different protosilencers on gene silencing
ZHANG Xin-min;LIU Nan;YU Qun;WANG Hao-tian;YAN Wei-qun;BI Xin
Progress of research on diabetic pulmonary fibrosis
yang jun ling ; zhao feng lian ; xue zuo fei ; cai lu
Evaluation on curative effects of mastoscopy and conventional surgery in treatment of breast diseases
SHI Ai-ping;LI Si-jie;LU Lu;SONG Dong;HAN Bing;LI Xing-liang;LI Wan-feng;FAN Zhi-min
Analysis of clinico-pathologic features on metastasis of lymph nodes around rectum in patients with rectal carcinoma
WANG Min;JI Fu-jian;JIN Hong-yong;CHEN Xue-bo;YU Jie;FANG Xue-dong
Evidence-based analysis of CK19 and EpCAM expressions in gastric cancer tissues
PENG Yun-xiang;MAO Jing-tao;WEI Jun;HOU Zhi-fu
Distribution of silica nanoparticles in HepG2 cells and its relationship with cytotoxicity
SUN Lei;LI Yang;LIU Xiao-mei;DU Zhong-jun;JIN Ming-hua;SUN Zhi-wei
Comparison between MR diffusion and perfusion in analysis of blood supply of cerebral middle artery stenosis
WANG Jing;ZHOU Hong-wei;KONG Bo-yu;CHENG Yan-hua;GU Yan-ying
Changes of Cyt c and caspase-3 expressions in mouse testis induced by low dose irradiation
FANG Fang;LIU Yang;LU Zhe;YANG Xiao-xi;ZHAO Hong-guang;GONG Shou-liang;WANG Zhi-cheng
lv bing zuo zhi yin jing yi chang bo qi 1 li bao gao
wan hong quan ; pang zhi xing ; liu chang
Application of core needle biopsy in diagnosis of malignant lymphoma
wang tie yan ; yang hua ; wang lian you ; wang ying ; lu zhen xia ; zhang li rong ; cui ya nan
Extraction and purification of recombinant protein LTB-FAP of fimbria of Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans
LI Yi;Guo Xue-jun;Yang Tao;Feng Shu-zhang;Sun Hong-chen
Inhibitory effect of secoisolariciresinol diglusoside on hyperplasia of prostate in rats and its mechanism
SHEN Nan;REN Kuang;WANG Yan-chun;FAN Hong-yan;GU Rao-sheng
Advance research on lumbar sympathectomy in treatment of thromboangiitis obliterans
zhang yang ; sun si qiao ; zhao wen guang ; wang jia jie
Expressions of SLeX and CD24 in laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma tissues
LI Guang-yu;JIANG Xiao-dan;MENG Cui-da;GAO Ge;ZHU Dong-dong
bing du xing xin ji yan 73 li lin chuang fen xi
jiang li jie ; zhu yan
Isolation and identification of human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells and their repair effects on hypoxic-ischemic brain damage
JIANG Wei;SHEN Jie;SHI Yuan;GONG Min;QU Ping;ZHANG Yun;WEI Xiao-ping;LIU You-xue;CHEN Jie;LI Ting-yu
Inhibitory effects of P16 functional oligopeptide on proliferation of C6 cells and U251 cells
SUN Li-chao;LI Yun-qian;SONG Hong-mei;ZHU Zhan-peng;XU Bao-feng;MA Cheng-yuan;Qiu Ji-qing
Enzyme properties and classification of Neanthes japonica (Iznka) fibrinolytic enzyme
ZHANG Lian-zhi;WANG Shao-hua;DENG Zhi-hui;BO Qi-qing;GE Xin;HONG Min
tang niao bing zu 96 li lin chuang fen xi
han hui min ; wang shu guo ; chen jun
Establishment and evaluation of detection method of neurokinin-1 receptor Mrna in rats using real-time PCR
yao gang ; man yu hong ; mao xi jing ; yu ting min
zi zhi she tai qing jie gua chu yi ti shua qing chu kou chou 120 li lin chuang fen xi
li han zuo ; zhang ruo wen ; ren jia bao ; miao yu lu
Anti-tumor effects of 125I radioactive particles implantation on transplantated tumor model of human breast cancer cells in nude mice
XIAO Zhong-di;ZHANG Yu-cheng;LIANG Chun-lin;ZHANG Guo-li;JING Yue;GAI Bao-dong