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Explosive Materials
2009 Issue 4
wen zhai
bao po qi cai tou gao xu zhi
min bao zhuan li xin xi
Graphical Method Design of Turning Package Mechanism in Wrapping Machine of Industrial Explosive
song shao yun ; zhang guo quan ; wu chun hui ; xiao kai wen
Ground Vibration Monitoring and Control of the Mass Rock Blasting Excavation near Building
li de lin ; liu qiang ; gao zhen ru
Application of Infrared Spectroscopy in the Combustion of Ignition Composition
duan jin jun ; huang yin sheng ; li jin tao
Study on the Fusehead of Red Lead-silicon Type
xie bin
Study on Thermal Decomposition Characters of Emulsion Explosives
wang zuo ; ma zhi gang ; xiong qiang qing
Study on Preparation and Its Catalysis of Composite Particles Al/SiO2
deng guo dong ; liu hong ying ; suo ying ; zhang zhi bin
Study on the Productive Safety of Expanded Ammonia Nitrate Explosive with Liquid Mixing
lu ming ; zhang han ping ; gan de huai ; he wei ; jiang zhi hua