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2013 Issue 1
Safety-considered Blasting Effect Evaluation by IFAHP-based Fuzzy Matter-element at Open Pit
JIA Nan;LUO Zhou-quan;XIE Cheng-yu;TANG Shuo
Effect of Shell Thickness of Shell Charge on Explosion and Damage Effect in Concrete
ZHANG Shi-hao1;HAN Jing1;2;ZHANG Xin-xin1;WANG Hua2;NIU Xin-li3
Optimization of Mine Blast Parameters based on GA-BP Neural Network
WANG De-yong1;2;YUAN Yan-bin1;QIAN Zhao-ming1;CHEN Ying1
Simulation Study on Reaction Kinetics of CO Inhibiting Gas Explosion in Roadway of Coal Mine
JIA Bao-shan1;2;WANG Xiao-yun1;2;WEN Hai-yan1;2;LI Zong-xiang1
Study of Separator Vertex Angle’s Effect on Rear Charge in Travelling Tandem Warhead
LI Bin;GOU Rui-jun;CHEN Ya-hong;SUN Jian-bing
Study on Characteristics of Explosion Stress Wave Propagation in Saturated Soil
XU Xue-yong1;WU Jin-gui2;LI Wei1;CHENG Kang3
Study on Shock Wave Characteristics of Three Types Explosives Underwater
SHAO Zong-zhan;CHENG Su-qiu;WANG Shu-le
Distribution of Flow Parameters in Coal Mine Gas Explosion
GAO Er-xin;DING Chen-xi;HAN Shu-liang;MENG Sha-sha;ZHANG Xiao-rui
Effect of Dynamic Unloading Coupled with Geo-stress during Tunnel Excavation
YAN Zhi-xin;SHI Sheng;DANG Bing;LIU Can;XU Tian
Application of Unascertained Measurement Model in Safety Evaluation of Blasting Vibration
LUO Xiao-bi1;TAO Tie-jun2;ZHAO Ming-sheng1
ben kan gao shi
Measurement and Analysis of Blasting Vibration in Jinduicheng South Open-pit Mine
ZHOU Yin;ZHANG Jian-hua;XU Chun-chao;HUANG Li-mao;JIN Xiao-xi
Study of Detonation Performance of Detonating Cord under Radial Decouple Charge Condition
CHEN Zhen1;SHI Xiu-zhi1;HU Hai-yan1;2;HU Jian-hua1
Application of Close-range Photogrammetry Technology in Visualization of Bench Blasting
LIU Liang1a;1b;CHEN Ming1a;1b;ZHENG Bing-xu2;LU Wen-bo1a;1b;SONG Jin-quan2
Determination of Damping Ditch Size in Slope Blasting Excavation
WANG Chen-long;ZHANG Shi-ping;ZHANG Chang-suo
Development of Charging Control System on BCRH Emulsion Explosive Truck
LIU Yong-zhu;ZHONG Feng
Research on Maximum Distance Prediction of Blast Flyrock based on BP Neural Network
LIU Qing1;ZHANG Guang-quan2;3;WU Chun-ping3;TAO Tie-jun2;3
Reliability Analysis of Estimation Error in Blasting Vibration Velocity
LI Sheng-lin1;LI Yue-feng2;LI Kui1;LIU Dian-shu1;ZHANG Zhen-tao1
Prediction of Blasting Peak Particle Velocity by BP Neural Network Model
SHEN Xu-peng;QU Shi-jie;WANG Fu-yuan;YI Fang
Directional Folded Explosive Demolition of 10-storey Framed Building
LI Chao1;WU Jian-feng2;ZHU Yan-hui1;LI Zhong-fei2
Explosive Demolition of Two 75-meter Cooling Towers by Opposition Direction Folding
YU Xing-chun;ZHAO Duan-hao;ZHANG Meng-chang;YANG Jian-chun;MA Shi-ming
Explosive Demolition of Ultrahigh and Thin Shelled Pier Building
LI Ben-ping;JIN Zheng-yong
Application of New Diluents in Powder Modified Ammonium Oil Explosives used in Explosion Welding
YU Yan1;ZHANG Kai1;YOU You2;HUANG Wen-yao1
Discussion on Safe Usage of Nonel-detonators
WU Chao-sheng;CHEN Zhi-jun;HE Chang-jian
Blasting Vibration Monitoring of Explosive Demolition of 22-Storey Structure
LI Jun-ting1;CUI Jian-wen2;WEI Chang-fan3;ZHAO Bao-sheng3
Research on Sympathetic Detonation Performance of Non-electric Detonator in Pine Wood
XIONG Peng1;2;FANG Ze-fa1;WANG Hong-jun2
Discussion on Determination Method of Detonator Initiating Capability
XIONG Su1;ZHANG Li1;LI Xue-jiao1;HUANG Lin2