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Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications(Social Sciences Edition)
2010 Issue 5
xin xi dong tai
The Instructional Design based on BUPT-SK Virtual Learning Environment
GOU Xue-rong;MAO Jing-li;DONG Yao-wu;LIU Hong-pei
Analysis of Regional Development Strategies of Telecommunications New Service
Research on Internet Governance based on Harmful Information Propagation Model
SHEN Zhi-wei;ZHANG Bin;CHEN Wen-ji
Empirical Study of Factors Affecting online learners\' Knowledge Sharing
BAI Li-xia;LIU Jian-she
Review and Reflection of the Research on History of Posts in China
SU Quan-you;CHEN Zi-hao
Application Research on the Marketing Control Modes in Chinese Telecom Operators
YUAN Gai-juan;JIN Yong-sheng;GONG Zhen
Literature Review of Studies on Employee Engagement
ZHAO Xin-yan;SUN Jie
Research on Strategic Management Process Model based on Dynamic Capability Theory
LIN Kang-kang;KE Zhen-ye;JIANG Wan
Review of the Cloud Computing and Its Future Development
DONG Xiao-xia;LU Ting-jie